Titles 「称号, shōgō」 are special titles meant to denote a person's status. They can be given by someone of higher status, chosen by the masses, or be acquired in acknowledgement of one's status or actions. For beings who have no name, it is common for them to be called their title if they have one.
Known titles[]
True Dragons[]
- Star King Dragon 「星王竜, seiōryū」: Veldanava's title.
- Frost Dragon 「白氷竜, hakuhyōryū」: Velzard's title.
- Scorch Dragon 「灼熱竜, shakunetsuryū」: Velgrynd's title.
- Storm Dragon 「暴風竜, bōfūryū」: Veldora Tempest's title.
- Chaos Creator 「聖魔混世皇, kaosu kurieito, lit. "Holy-Demonic Mixed World Emperor"」: Rimuru's title.
Demon Lords[]
- Demon Lord 「魔王, maō」: A title held by those recognized to be Demon Lords by the masses.
- True Demon Lord 「真なる魔王, shin naru maō」: A title held by those recognized to be demon lords by both the people and the World itself.
- Ancient Demon Lord 「最古の魔王, saiko no maō」: A title held by the oldest generation of Demon Lords.
- Ex-Demon Lord 「元魔王, moto maō」: A title held by those no longer recognized to be Demon Lords.
- Lord of Darkness 「暗黒皇帝, rōdo obu dākunesu, lit. "Dark Emperor"」: Guy Crimson's title.
- Destroyer 「破壊の暴君, desutoroi, lit. "Tyrant of Destruction"」: Milim Nava's title.
- Labyrinth 「迷宮妖精, rabirinsu, lit. "Labyrinth Fairy"」: Ramiris's title.
- Earthquake 「大地の怒り, āsukueiku, lit. "Wrath of the Earth"」: Dagruel's title.
- Queen of Nightmares 「夜魔の女王, kuīn obu naitomea, lit. "Queen of Night Demons"」: Luminous Valentine's title.
- Sleeping Ruler 「眠る支配者, surīpingu rūrā」: Dino's title.
- Bloody Lord 「鮮血の覇王, buraddī rōdo, lit. "Overlord of Fresh Blood"」: Roy Valentin’s title.
- Curse Lord 「呪術王, kāsu rōdo, lit. "Curse Arts King"」: Kagali's title.
- Beast Master 「獅子王, bīsuto masutā, lit. "Lion King"」: Carrion's title.
- Sky Queen 「天空女王, sukai kuīn, lit. "Heaven Sky Queen"」: Frey's title.
- Marionette Master 「人形傀儡師, marionetto masutā, lit. "Doll Puppet Master"」: Clayman's title.
- Platinum Devil 「白金の悪魔, purachina debiru, lit. "Devil of Platinum"」: Leon Cromwell's title.
- Platinum Saber 「白金の剣王, purachinamu seibā, lit. "Sword King of Platinum"」: Leon Cromwell's title.
- Newbie 「新星, nyūbī, lit. "Nova"」: Rimuru's title after joining the Octagram.
Chosen heroes[]
- Chosen Hero 「勇者, yūsha」: A title held by Chosen heroes, those who were chosen by an elemental of light or darkness and pledge themselves to protect humanity.
- True Chosen Hero 「真なる勇者, shin naru yūsha」: A title held by Chosen heroes who have "hatched the egg and left the nest".
- Former Chosen Hero 「元勇者, moto yūsha」: A title held by those no longer recognized to be Chosen heroes.
- Chosen Hero of the Beginning 「始まりの勇者, hajimari no yūsha」: Rudra's title.
- Masked Chosen Hero 「仮面の勇者, kamen no yūsha」: Chloe Aubert's title.
- Chosen Hero of the Dawn 「夜明けの勇者, yoake no yūsha」: Granbell's title.
- Chosen Hero of Light 「〝光〟の勇者, "hikari" no yūsha」: Granbell's title.
- Wandering Chosen Hero 「放浪の勇者, hōrō no yūsha」: Sarion Grimwald's title.
- Blonde Chosen Hero 「金髪の勇者, kinpatsu no yūsha」: A title held by Leon and Masayuki.
- Lightspeed Chosen Hero 「閃光の勇者, senkō no yūsha」: A title held by Leon and Masayuki.
- Hero 「英雄, hīrō」: A title held by those recognized as Heroes by the people.
- Hero King 「英雄王, eiyūō」: A title held by those who are both Kings and Heroes, most notably Guran Dwargo, Gazel Dwargo and Youm Farmenas.
- Hero Emperor 「英雄帝, eiyūtei」: Rudra Nam Ul Nasca's title.
- Strongest Hero 「最強の英雄, saikyō no eiyū」: Rudra's title.
- Rouge 「原初の赤, rūju, lit. "Primordial Red"」: Guy's title.
- Blanc 「原初の白, buran, lit. "Primordial White"」: Testarossa's title.
- Noir 「原初の黒, nowāru, lit. "Primordial Black"」: Diablo's title.
- Vert 「原初の緑, vēru, lit. "Primordial Green"」: Misery's title.
- Jaune 「原初の黄, jōnu, lit. "Primordial Yellow"」: Carrera's title.
- Violet 「原初の紫, viore, lit. "Primordial Purple"」: Ultima's title.
- Bleu 「原初の青, burū, lit. "Primordial Blue"」: Rain's title.
Three Beastketeers[]
- Golden Snake Horn 「黄蛇角, ōdakaku」: Albis's title.
- White Tiger Claw 「白虎爪, byakkosō」: Suphia's title.
- Black Leopard Fang 「黒豹牙, kokuhyōga」: Phobio's title.
Moderate Harlequin Alliance[]
- Wonder Pierrot 「享楽の道化, wandā piero, lit. "Clown of Enjoyment"」: Laplace's title.
- Teardrop 「涙目の道化, tiadoroppu, lit. "Clown of Watery Eyes"」: Tear's title.
- Angry Pierrot 「怒った道化, angurī piero, lit. "Angry Clown"」: Footman's title.
- Crazy Pierrot 「喜狂の道化, kureijī piero, lit. "Clown of Ecstasy"」: Clayman's title.
Five Fingers[]
- Thumb Finger 「母指, boshi」: Kumara's title.
- Index Finger 「示指, jishi」: Adalmann's title.
- Middle Finger 「中指, chūshi」: Yamza's title.
- Ring Finger 「薬指, yakushi」: Mjurran's former title.
- Pinky Finger 「小指, shōshi」: Pirone's title.
Seven Luminaries[]
- Sun Luminary 「日曜師, nichiyōshi」: Gran's title.
- Moon Luminary 「月曜師, getsuyōshi」: Dina's title.
- Mars Luminary 「火曜師, kayōshi」: Ars's title.
- Mercury Luminary 「水曜師, suiyōshi」: Meris’s title.
- Jupiter Luminary 「木曜師, mokuyōshi」: Salun's title.
- Venus Luminary 「金曜師, kinyōshi」: Vina's title.
- Saturn Luminary 「土曜師, doyōshi」: Zaus's title.
Magic Knights[]
- Silver Knight 「銀騎士卿, shirubā naito, lit. "Lord Silver Knight"」: Alrose's title.
- Black Knight 「黒騎士卿, burakku naito, lit. "Lord Black Knight"」: Claude's title.
- White Knight 「白騎士卿, howaito naito, lit. "Lord White Knight"」: Maetel's title.
- Blue Knight 「青騎士卿, burū naito, lit. "Lord Blue Knight"」: Oxian's title.
- Red Knight 「赤騎士卿, reddo naito, lit. "Lord Red Knight"」: Fran's title.
- Yellow Knight 「黄騎士卿, ierō naito, lit. "Lord Yellow Knight"」: Kizona's title.
Twelve Guardian Lords[]
- Flare Lord 「赫怒王, furea rōdo, lit. "Red Anger King"」: Benimaru's title.
- Barrier Lord 「守征王, baria rōdo, lit. "Defensive Conquest King"」: Geld Junior's title.
- Dracolord 「天龍王, doragu rōdo, lit. "Heaven Dragon King"」: Gabiru's title.
- Star Lord 「星狼王, sutā rōdo, lit. "Star Wolf King"」: Ranga's title.
- Killer Lord 「虐殺王, kirā rōdo, lit. "Massacre King"」: Testarossa's title.
- Pain Lord 「残虐王, pein rōdo, lit. "Cruelty King"」: Ultima's title.
- Menace Lord 「破滅王, menasu rōdo, lit. "Ruin King"」: Carrera's title.
- Chimera Lord 「幻獣王, kimera rōdo, lit. "Phantom Beast King"」: Kumara's title.
- Myst Lord 「幽幻王, misuto rōdo, lit. "Ghost Fantasy King"」: Zegion's title.
- Gehenna Lord 「冥霊王, gehena rōdo, lit. "Hell Spirit King"」: Adalmann's title.
- War Lord 「闘神王, wō rōdo, lit. "Fighting God King"」: Shion's title.
- Demon Lord 「魔神王, demon rōdo, lit. "Demon God King"」: Diablo's title.
Four Great Dragon Lords[]
- Blaze Dragon Lord 「炎獄竜王, engokuryūō」: Euros's title.
- Frozen Dragon Lord 「氷獄竜王, hyōgokuryūō」: Zephyrus's title.
- Thunder Dragon Lord 「天雷竜王, tenrairyūō」: Notos's title.
- Tremor Dragon Lord 「地滅竜王, chimetsuryūō」: Boreas's title.
- Adventurer 「冒険者, bōkensha」: A title held by most Adventurers.
- Gale Swordsman 「疾風剣士, shippū kenshi」: Fuze’s title.
- Rook 「城砦, rūku, lit. "Citadel"」: A title held by the members of the Rook Geniuses.
- Royal Knight 「近衛騎士, roiyaru naito, lit. "Royal Guard Knight"」: A title held by the members of the Imperial Guardians.
- Sword Devil 「剣魔, kenma」: Agera's title.
- Guardian of the West: Luminous Valentine's title.
- No Face 「無情の道化, nō feisu, lit. "Clown of Heartlessness"」: Eva's title.
- Evil Dragon 「邪竜, jaryū」: Veldora Tempest's title.
- Goblin Lord 「ゴブリン・ロード, goburin rōdo」
- Conqueror of Flames 「爆炎の支配者, bakuen no shihaisha」: Shizu's title.
- Goblin King 「ゴブリン・キング, goburin kingu」: Rigurd's title.
- Blumund Branch Free Guild Master 「ブルムンド自由組合支部長, burumundo jiyū kumiai shibu-chō」: Fuze's title.
- One Who Rules Monsters 「魔物を統べる者, mamono o suberumono」: Rimuru's first title after establishing his rule over the Goblins and direwolves.
A Disturbance in the Forest[]
- Swordsmith 「刀鍛冶, katanakaji」: Kurobe's title.
- Shrine Maiden Princess 「巫女姫, kannagi」: Shuna's title.
- Instructor 「指南役, shinanyaku」: Hakurou's title.
- Samurai Great General 「侍大将, samurai daishō」: Benimaru's title.
- Professional Warrior 「武士, mononofu」: Shion's title.
- Undercover Detective 「隠密, onmitsu」: Souei's title.
- Sword Saint 「剣聖, kensei」: A title given to those who possess transcendent martial ability in sword combat. Owned by Albert and Gazel Dwargo.
- Captain of the Goblin Riders 「狼鬼兵部隊の隊長, goburin raidā no taichō」: Gobta's title.
- Jura Forest Administrator 「ジュラの森の管理者, jura no mori no kanrisha」: Treyni's title.
- Orc King 「猪人王, ōku kingu, lit. "Boar People King"」: Geld Junior's title.
- Demon Lord in Transition 「仮初の魔王, karisome no maō」: Geld Senior's title after evolving into an Orc Disaster.
Attack of the Demon Lord[]
- Knight Assassin 「暗部の長, naito asashin, lit. "Head of the Dark Side"」: Anrietta's title.
- Admiral Paladin 「軍部の最高司令官, adomiraru paradin, lit. "Military Commander-in-Chief"」: Vaughn's title.
- Arch-Wizard 「宮廷魔導師, āku wizādo, lit. "Court Mage"」: Jaine's title.
- Pegasus Knights' Commander 「天翔騎士団団長, pegasasu naitsu danchō」: Dorf's title.
- Sword Oni 「剣鬼, kenki」: Hakurou's title.
- Ruler of the Sky 「天空の支配者, tenkū no shihaisha」: A title held by Charybdis and Frey.
- Veldora's Child 「ヴェルドラの申し子, verudora no mōshigo」: Charybdis's title.
Human-Monster Interaction[]
- Civil Chief 「文官長, bunkanchō」: Dorf's title.
- Grandmaster 「自由組合総帥, gurandomasutā, lit. "Freedom Association Leader"」: Yuuki Kagurazaka's title as the Grandmaster of the Free Guild.
- Great Merchant 「大商人, daishōnin」: Gard Mjöllmile's title.
- Sovereign of the Backstreets 「裏町の帝王, uramachi no teiō」: Gard Mjöllmile's title.
- Element 「精霊女王, eremento, lit. "Spirit Queen"」: Ramiris's title.
- Guardian of Ramiris 「ラミリスの守護者, ramirisu no shugosha」: Beretta's title.
- Right Hand of God 「神の右手, kami no migite」: Hinata Sakaguchi's title.
- Holy Emperor's Imperial Guard Division Head Knight 「法皇直属近衛師団筆頭騎士, hōō chokuzoku konoe shidan hittōkishi」: Hinata's title.
- Holy Knight Commander 「聖騎士団長, seikishi danchō」: Hinata's title.
A Demon Lord's Awakening[]
- Dragon Princess 「竜皇女, ryūkōjo」: Milim's title.
- Chaos Dragon 「混沌竜, kaosu doragon」: Gaia's title.
- Great Jura Forest's Guardian God 「ジュラの大森林の守護神, jura no dai shinrin no shugoshin」: Veldora Tempest's title.
- Oni King 「鬼王, oni ō」: Benimaru's title.
- Oni Princess 「鬼姫, oni hime」: Shuna's title.
- Tyrant 「暴君, bōkun」: Shion's title.
- Immortal 「不死者, fushisha」: Shion's title following her resurrection.
- Dark Shinobi 「闇忍, yami shinobu」: Souei's title.
- Rimuru's Pet 「リムルのペット, rimuru no petto」: Ranga's title.
- Dragon Warrior 「龍戦士, ryūsenshi」: Gabiru's title.
- Daemon lord 「悪魔公, dēmon rōdo, lit. "Devil Official"」: A title held by Daemon lords.
The Octagram Soars[]
- Freezing Magic Swordsman 「氷結魔剣士, hyōketsu makenshi」: Yamza's title.
- King of Insects 「蟲の王, mushi no ō」: A title held by Zegion and Zelanus.
- Ice Empress 「氷の女帝, kōri no jotei」: Velzard's title.
- Paladin 「聖堂騎士, paradin, lit. "Cathedral Knight"」: A title held by talented members of the Temple Knights before the Crusaders were established, most notably Albert.
Conflict Between Saints and Monsters[]
- Holy Emperor 「法皇, hōō」: Louis's title.
- Childe of Light 「〝光〟の貴公子, "hikari" no kikōshi」: Leonard's title.
- True Saint 「真なる〝聖人〟, shin naru "seijin"」: Hinata Sakaguchi's title.
- Devil That Wears a Saint's Mask 「聖者の仮面を被った悪魔, seija no kamen o kabutta akuma」: Nikolaus's title.
- Crusaders' Vice-Commander 「聖騎士団副団長, kuruseidāzu fukudanchō」: Leonard's title.
Territory Seizure[]
- Sorcerer Emperor 「魔導帝, madōtei」: Elmesia's title.
- Thirteen Royal Families Leader 「十三王家筆頭, jūsan ōke hittō」: Ellis Grimwald's title.
- Don of the Underworld 「暗黒街のドン, ankoku-gai no don」: Gard Mjöllmile's title.
- Elemental Dragon 「精霊竜, erementaru doragon, lit. "Spirit Dragon"」: Gaia's title.
- Fairy Queen 「妖精女王, yōsei joō」: Ramiris's title.
- Great God 「大神, ōkami」: Okami Ancestor's title.
- God of the Mountain 「山の神, yama no kami」: Kaede's title.
Opening of the Monster City[]
- Crazed Wolf 「狂狼, kyōrō」: Jinrai's title.
- Sorcerous Dynasty of Sarion's Guardian Dragon Lord 「魔導王朝サリオンの守護竜王, madō ōchō sarion no shugoryūō」: Sarion's dragon lord's title.
- Heavenly Emperor 「天帝, tentei」: Elmesia's title.
- Big Four Leader 「〝四天王〟筆頭, "shitennō" hittō」: A title held by the member of a Demon Lord's Big Four that is appointed the leader, most notably Benimaru and Middray.
- Elegant Gladiator 「流麗なる剣闘士, ryūreinaru ken tōshi」: Gaiye's title.
- Tempest's Guardian God 「魔国連邦の守護神, tenpesuto no shugoshin」: Geld Junior's title.
The Majin Behind the Scenes[]
- Ogre Lord 「大鬼の狂王, ōga rōdo」: The title given to the 30th Floor Boss of the Dungeon.
- Apostles of Vert's Commander 「〝緑の使徒〟の団長, "veruto" no danchō」: Girard's title.
- Submaster 「副総帥, sabumasutā, lit. "Vice Leader"」: Kagali's title as the Submaster of the Free Guild.
Awakening of the Chosen Hero[]
- Vert 「緑の神, vēru, lit. "Green God"」: Misery's title.
- Saintess 「聖女, seijo」: Maria Rosso's title.
The Eve of War[]
- Mediator 「調停者, chōteisha」: A title held by those acting on Veldanava's behalf, most notably Guy Crimson and Ramiris.
- Marshal 「元帥, gensui」: Velgrynd's title.
- Imperial Intelligence Bureau Director 「帝国情報局局長, teikoku jōhō-kyoku kyokuchō」: Tatsuya Kondou's title.
- Mysterious Figure Stalking the Halls of Information 「情報に巣食う怪人, jōhō ni sukū kaijin」: Tatsuya Kondou's title.
- First Lieutenant 「中尉, chūi」: Tatsuya Kondou's title.
- Nine Head 「九頭獣, nainheddo, lit. "Nine-Headed Beast"」: A title held by Nineheads and Kumara's title as a floor guardian.
- Insect Kaiser 「蟲皇帝, insekuto kaizā, lit. "Insect Emperor"」: Zegion's title as a floor guardian.
- Insect Queen 「蟲女王, insekuto kuīn」: Apito's title as a floor guardian.
- Immortal King 「不死王, imōtaru kingu」: Adalmann's title as a floor guardian.
- Death Paladin 「死霊聖騎士, desu paradin, lit. "Death Spirit Holy Knight"」: A title held by Death paladins and Albert's title as a floor guardian.
- Ramiris' Gofer 「迷宮統括者, ramirisu no pashiri, lit. "Labyrinth Supervisor"」: Beretta's title.
The Imperial Invasion[]
- Dungeon Master 「迷宮統括者, danjon masutā, lit. "Labyrinth Supervisor"」: Beretta's title.
- Rune Master 「魔導王, rūn masutā, lit. "Sorcerer King"」: Gadra's title as a floor guardian.
- Death God 「死神, shinigami」: Rimuru's (Dungeon Dominators Avatar's) title.
- Queen Who Rules Insects 「蟲を統べる女王, mushi o suberu joō」: Apito's title.
- Mistress of Beasts 「獣たちの女主人, jū-tachi no on'na shujin」: Kumara's title.
- Specter Lord 「妖魔王, yōmaō」: Feldway's title.
A Clash of Dragons and Monsters[]
- Gehenna Dragon Lord 「冥獄竜王, meigokuryūō」: Venti's title.
- Imperial Guardians' Vice-Commander 「帝国皇帝近衛騎士団の副団長, inperiaru gādian no fuku danchō」: A title held by the one with the sequence 002 in the Imperial Guardians, most notably Damrada.
- Imperial Guardians' Commander 「帝国皇帝近衛騎士団の団長, inperiaru gādian no danchō」: A title held by the one with the sequence 001 in the Imperial Guardians, most notably Tatsuya Kondou and Damrada.
- Spare 「スペア, supea」: A title held by the one with the sequence 010 in the Imperial Guardians, most notably Feldway.
The Abyss Unleashed[]
- Founder 「開祖, kaiso」: A title held by a creator of a family of Arts, most notably Byakuya Araki, Long and Milim Nava.
- Second Lieutenant 「少尉, shōi」: Marco's title.
- Empire's Guardian Dragon 「帝国の守護竜, teikoku no shugoryū」: Velgrynd's title.
- Lone White Tiger 「孤高の白虎, kokō no byakko」: Gradim's title.
- Vermillion Bird 「朱雀, suzaku」: Nazim's title.
- Azure Dragon 「青龍, seiryū」: Baraga's title.
- Black Tortoise 「玄武, genbu」: Gozaline's title.
- Shrine Maiden of Different Ethnic Tribe 「異民族の巫女, iminzoku no miko」: Gozaline's title.
- West's Guardian God 「西方の守護神, seihō no shugoshin」: Razul's title.
- Insect Lord 「蟲魔王, mushimaō」: Zelanus's title.
- Fist Saint 「拳聖, kensei」: A title given to those who possess transcendent martial ability in hand to hand combat. Owned by Damrada and Shenhua.
- Fist Devil 「拳魔, kenma」: Ultima's title.
- God of War 「軍神, gunshin」: Granit's title.
- Noir 「黒の王, nowāru, lit. "Black King"」: Diablo's title.
End of the Game[]
- Incarnation of the Earth 「大地の化身, daichi no keshin」: Ashura's title.
- Mad King of the Giants 「巨人族の狂王, jaianto no kyōō」: Ashura's title.
- Administrator of the Star 「星の管理者, hoshi no kanrisha」: Ramiris's title.
- Queen of the Pixies 「妖精族の女王, pikushī no joō」: Ramiris's title.
- Species of Building and Prospering Civilization on Earth 「地上に文明を築き繁栄させる為の種族, chijō ni bunmei o kizuki han'ei sa seru tame no shuzoku」: Twilight Valentine's title.
- Divine Ancestor of the Vampires 「吸血鬼族の神祖, vanpaia no shinso」: Twilight Valentine's title.
- Lord of the Cryptids 「幻獣族の王, kuripteddo no ō」: Ivaragé's title.
- World-Destroying Dragon 「滅界竜, mekkairyū」: Ivaragé's title.
- Watcher 「監視者, kanshisha」: Dino's title.
- Creator God 「創造神, sōzōshin」: Veldanava's title.
- King of the Fantasy World 「〝幻想世界〟の王, "gensō sekai" no ō」: Zegion's title.
- Gehenna Paladin 「冥霊聖騎士, gehena paradin, lit. "Hell Spirit Holy Knight"」: Albert's title.
- Darkness 「闇の盟主, dākunesu, lit. "Leader of Darkness"」: Souei’s title.
- Magic Maniac 「魔法マニア, mahō mania」: A title given to those that are devoted to Magic. Owned by Adalmann and Gadra.
- Empress' Confidant 「女帝の腹心, nyotei no fukushin」: Moss's title.
- Empress' Secretary 「女帝の書記官, nyotei no shokikan」: Cien's title.
- Poison Princess' Butler 「毒姫の執事, dokuhime no shitsuji」: Veyron's title.
- Poison Princess' Chef 「毒姫の料理人, dokuhime no ryōrijin」: Zonda's title.
- Tyrant's Instructor 「暴君の師匠, bōkun no shishō」: Agera's title.
- Tyrant's Friend 「暴君のズッ友, bōkun no zuttomo」: Esprit's title.
Spacetime Fragments[]
- Goddess of Creation 「創世の女神, sōsei no megami」: Velgrynd's title.
- Emperor's Guardian 「皇帝守護者, kōtei shugosha」: Gensei Araki's title.
- Commander of the Royal Guard Swordsman Corps 「皇宮警護剣士隊の隊長, kōgū keigo kenshi-tai no taichō」: Saburo Minamoto's title.
- Mysterious Monk 「怪僧, kaisō」: Pulcinella's title.
- United States of Azalea Great South Sea Fleet Commander-in-Chief 「アゼリア合衆国大南海艦隊総司令官, azeria gasshūkoku dai nankai kantai sō shirei-kan」: David Reagan's title.
- Republic of China East Sea Fleet Commander 「中華群雄共和国東海艦隊司令官, chūka gun'yū kyōwakoku tōkai kantai shirei-kan」: Li Jinlong's title.
- Adjutant of Cornu 「コルヌの副官, korunu no fukkan」: Masahiko Amari's title.
- Divine Ancestor Emperor 「神祖帝, shinsotei」: Shin Arcia's title.
- Administrator of the World 「世界の管理者, sekai no kanrisha」: Shenhua's title.
- Dragon Fist Master 「龍拳師, ryūkenshi」: Shenhua's title.
- Dragon God 「竜神, ryūjin」: Velgrynd's title.
- Lord of Ashes 「灰の王, hai no ō」: Moss's title.
The End of Ambitions[]
- Vampire 「黄昏の王, vanpaia, lit. "King of Twilight"」: Twilight Valentine's title.
- Three Mystic Admirals Leader 「〝三妖帥〟筆頭, "sanyōsui" hittō」: Zalario's title.
- Insect General 「蟲将, chūshō」: A title held by the members of the Twelve Insect Generals.
- Great Sorcerer Emperor 「魔導大帝, madō taitei, Yen Press: "Sorcerous Dynast"」: Jahil's title.
- Thunder Emperor 「雷帝, raitei, Yen Press: "Thunder Empress"」: Sylvia El Ru's title.
- Flame Emperor 「炎帝, entei, Yen Press: "Flame Overlord"」: Jahil's title.
A Disturbance in the Royal Capital[]
- Rouge 「赤の王, rūju, lit. "Red King"」: Guy's title.
- Supreme Leader 「主上, shujō」: A title held by the leader of the Army of Justice, most notably Michael.
- Commander-in-Chief 「最高司令官, saikō shirei-kan」: Feldway's title.
- Chief Executive 「最高責任者, saikō sekininsha」: Feldway's title.
- Advisor 「相談役, sōdan'yaku」: Velzard's title.
- Seven Heavenly Generals' Leader 「〝七凶天将〟筆頭, "shichikyōtenshō" hittō」: Vega's title.
- Mad Fist 「狂拳, kyōken」: Fenn's title.
- Wicked God 「悪神, akujin」: Dagruel and Fenn's title.
- Three Star Admirals Leader 「〝三星帥〟筆頭, "sanseisui" hittō」: Fenn's title.
- Rebellion 「反逆之巨神, riberion, lit. "Giant God of Rebellion"」: Dagruel's title.
- Destruction God 「破壊神, hakaishin」: Ashura's title.
- Supreme Commander 「総大将, sōdaishō」: Carrion's title.
- Great General 「大将軍, daishōgun」: Carrion's title.
- Chief of the Guard 「親衛長官, shin'ei chōkan」: Frey's title.
- Great Priest 「大神官, daishinkan」: Middray's title.
- Strategist 「軍師, gunshi」: Obera's title.
- Divine Craftsman 「神匠, shinshō」: A title held by Craftsmen capable of consistently forging God-grade Equipment.
- Evil God 「邪神, jashin」: Ivaragé's title.
Rumbling of Heaven and Earth[]
- Insect General Leader 「蟲将筆頭, chūshō hittō」: Zess's title.
- Insect Queen 「蟲妃, chūhi」: Peliod's title.
- Deputy 「副長, fukuchō」: Glassord and Basara's title.
- Empress Who Rules Insects 「蟲を統べる皇妃, chū o suberu kōhi」: Peliod's title.
- Viceroy of the Insectars 「蟲魔族の副王, insekutā no fukuō」: Peliod's title.
- Empress Who Rules Insect Generals 「蟲将を統べる女皇帝, chūshō o suberu jokōtei」: Peliod's title.
- Genesis God 「創世神, sōseishin」: A title that Zess and Zelanus aimed to obtain.
- Demon God 「魔神, majin」: Zelanus's title.
- Parent Surpasser 「親超え, oya koe」: Zelanus's title.
- Divine Enemy 「神敵, shinteki」: Luminous's title.
- Four Arms 「四腕, yotsuwan」: Basara's title.
- God Killer 「神殺し, kami koroshi」: Dagruel's title.
- Dragon Emperor 「竜帝, ryūtei」: Veldanava's title.
- Fighting God 「闘神, tōshin」: Fenn's title.
- Five Great Warrior Generals Leader 「五大闘将筆頭, gōdai tōshō hittō」: Basara's title.
- Holy Fist Master 「聖拳導師, seiken dōshi」: Adalmann's title.
- Sword King 「剣王, kenō」: Glassord's title.
Dungeon Encroachment[]
- Nature God 「自然神, shizen kami」: Ashura's title.
- Strongest Swordsman 「最強の剣士, saikyō no kenshi」: Dino's title.
- Monarch of Destruction 「破壊の君主, hakai no kunshu」: Zegion's title.
Godly Destruction and Chaos[]
- Nothingness-Sprinting Beast 「虚無を疾走する獣, kyomu o shissō suru kemono」: Kakeashi's title.
- Dimension-Flying Bird 「次元を飛翔する鳥, jigen o hishō suru tori」: Habataki's title.
- Interstellar-Swimming Fish 「星間を遊泳する魚, seikan o yūei suru sakana」: Suiemu's title.
- Dreaming Chaos Dragon 「夢見る混沌竜, yumemiru konton ryū」: Ivaragé's title.
ISEKAI Memories[]
- Mirror Witch 「鏡の魔女, kagami no majo」: Izis's title.
- Blue Sky Fang 「蒼天牙, sōtenga」: Orca's title.
- Headwind Dragon 「逆風竜, gyakufūryū」: Veldora Against's title.