This is the sixth volume from the Manga side story The Ways of the Monster Nation of the That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime series.
Rimuru's promotional photos are piquing interest in Tempest, and when it comes to camerawork, Framea's all too happy to help. So when he unveils his vision for a video to show travelers what Tempest is all about, Framea finds herself on a filming frenzy! But after a sinister sea serpent crashes the party, she winds up as bait to fish up the fearsome fiend! Will our hero manage to make it out in one piece…?[1]
- Chapter 30: Fashion Model ☆ Three Stars!!
- Chapter 31: Promo Video ☆ Three Stars!!
- Chapter 32: Monster Slaying ☆ Three Stars!!
- Chapter 33: Dungeon Zoo ☆ Three Stars!!
- Chapter 34: The Rabbitfolk Homeland ☆ Three Stars!!
- Chapter Ex: Ogre Banishing ☆ Three...Stars...?
Extra Pages[]
Author's Notes[]
The sixth volume came without a fuss! Framea's adventure is getting more and more messy?! ... Isn't that the case?
Shō Okagiri