The End of Ambitions 「野望終焉, yabō shūen」 is the eighteenth light novel volume of the That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime series.
The seraphim force led by Michael proceeds with its plans for invasion, and the Octagram's eight demon lords assemble once more for a Walpurgis to determine their response. They need to act fast, for Michael's Ultimate Dominion skill has brought even Velzard—a True Dragon and Veldora's eldest sister—under his control. How will they solve this conundrum? Rimuru isn't sure yet, but as he readies Tempest for war, he'll soon discover a lot of his problems are much closer to home than he thought…[1]
- Prologue: The Secret Meeting 「密やかな面会, hisoyakana menkai」
- Chapter 1: Walpurgis 「ワルプルギス, warupurugisu」
- Interlude: The Heavenly Empress and the Former Chosen Hero 「天帝と元勇者, tentei to moto yūsha」
- Chapter 2: Fleeting Normalcy 「束の間の日常, tsukanoma no nichijō」
- Chapter 3: The Pierrots' Memories 「道化達の追憶, dōketachi no tsuioku」
- Chapter 4: Shattered Ambitions 「砕け散る野望, kudake chiru yabō」
- Epilogue: End of the Dream 「夢の終わり, yume no owari」
Great to see you all again. With the anime now running, we might have some brand-new fans reading this! If so, that'd be such a thrill.
So this series is now at Volume 18. We're plunging into the final story arc as planned, and I'm starting to think that wrapping it up in three volumes is going to be a little—okay, a lot—difficult.
The idea was to have a little trilogy here, with one volume setting up the hook, one having the climax, and one providing the resolution. But looking at the content of this volume, we're nowhere near a climax yet, huh?
It's not like this is anyone's fault! I told them in advance that I might change stuff around depending on how I was feeling!
…But even excuses like that are starting to get a bit strained. Ah well. Anyway, just be glad we got the war started this volume.
I don't want to go too deep into the content of this volume for spoiler reasons, but if you completed it, you now know how Kagali's backstory turned out. That changed quite a bit from my original image, but I just couldn't help how cute she looked as an elf. I mean, really, I was picturing someone of murky gender from the start, but the moment I saw that design for her, everything was set in stone. It reminded me anew of just how powerful the right illustration can be.
By the way, I know this setting differs ever so slightly from what's listed in Slime Volume 13.5, the official databook released in 2019. But…you know, if you can just accept it as something that kind of always happens, I'd appreciate it. I don't know when I'll break my habit of never nailing down backstory stuff unless I'm pressed by an urgent need to. Really gotta be careful about that next time—but kind of late to be regretting that here, during the final story arc…
Anyway, that's how Volume 18 turned out. What did you think of it? I wrote this in hopes it'd please my readers, so if you enjoyed it, nothing could make me happier. Assuming you did, I hope you'll continue backing That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime, because those are the voices that keep me going as I work to expand the Slime world.
See you all later!
- ↑ Yen Press synopsis, roughly edited