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Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Wiki

That Which Devours All全てを喰らう者, Subete o Kurau Mono is the twenty-fifth chapter of the That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime manga adaptation.


Orc Disaster, Geld Senior, thinks to himself how it, his opponent Rimuru Tempest, was supposed to be just a simple appetizer before the main course, but it suddenly blurted out something strange and then it was able to cut off his arm in a single stroke of its sword. In the midst of his thoughts, Great Sage prompts to Rimuru that it's confirmed that Great Sage has taken over bodily control and that the transition to auto-battle mode has been completed. Geld admits that Rimuru is not just some appetizer; it's actually the enemy.

Rimuru charges in jumping and slashing the sword down, but Geld blocks it even as Rimuru covers his blade with Black Flames. Geld pushes Rimuru away as Geld screams how Rimuru is a chaos eater. Benimaru notices in disbelief that Geld's severed arm isn't regenerating. While Rimuru avoids Geld's Death-March Dance attacks, Hakurou states an observation that the black flames smoldering in the wound are most likely keeping it from regenerating, but is also cauterizing it so it wouldn't lead to it as a fatal wound though. He also observes that those flames are a more complicated magical manipulation than a simple single burst of extreme heat. He notes to himself that he didn't think Rimuru was the kind of person whose magical power was enough to be able to have sufficient ability to manipulate magic and still had a ways to go, but realizes that watching Rimuru fight seems like he's a whole different person. Geld launches more Death March attacks, but Benimaru notices and shouts to the others that the attack also includes a corrosion effect and to not touch it. The attack lands on the battlefield at Rimuru's group which is dodged and has the battlefield in a smoke-filled air. As Rimuru looks on, Geld's hand suddenly launches through the smoke grabbing his whole torso while the other hand grabs Rimuru's arm that is holding his weapon. As Geld shows his satisfaction at finally catching Rimuru, Ranga calls out drawing attention to how Geld's arm has regenerated. Hakurou surmises that Geld ate his own arm to remove the flames, much to Benimaru's disgust. Geld's army begs him to hurry and use Starved as they are hungry for it. Geld asks Rimuru if it's a shame that he's going to be eaten explaining how things eaten by Corrosion and Starved will nourish the army while rotting and dying just as Rimuru's hands seemingly starts to melt. Rimuru quietly says "No", places his seemingly melted hand on Geld's arm where its melted form crawls up it. He then activates Flare Circle and engulfs both of them to a shocked Geld. While Geld starts disintegrating from the flames as Rimuru holds him, he reflects complimenting Great Sage at partially undoing his transformation to make it seem that he was being corroded and as Geld doesn't have resistance to fire, all he has to do is hold him until Geld burns out while in his slime body to win. Rimuru hesitates and considers that Great Sage may have overlooked that Geld may have acquired Heat Resistance, which was confirmed by the Voice of the World. As Great Sage prompts a revision of strategy, Rimuru commands to take control from Great Sage's auto battle mode, but reflects to his "partner", Great Sage, to not be disappointed as he now knows a strategy to defeat Geld thanks to it and to leave the rest to him. Geld declares flames will not harm him, and disperses Flame Circle. Rimuru transforms completely to his slime body, melting over Geld's arms. Seeing this, Shion calls out in concern about to leap in, but Hakurou tells her to stop, pointing out that if she closely looked she would see that Rimuru melting isn't because he was corroding, As Rimuru envelops Geld, he tells Geld how he's originally a slime and eating is also his specialty. Great Sage prompts that Rimuru is using Ultraspeed Regeneration to heal corroded parts, but that Geld is also using Self-Regeneration to heal corroded parts as well. Just as Great Sage was going to prompt the probability of corroding Geld first, the scene changes to a flashback of Geld's, which Rimuru can view.

It shows orc children crying in hunger as Geld, before he had turned into Orc Disaster, rips off his arm and offers it for them to eat in the hopes that they can continue to grow into fine adults. The scene changes to Geld's subordinate begging him not to endanger himself by leaving, but Geld despairs how too many children have bodies that are dying from starvation while he is fortunate with a body that has the ability to regenerate. When asked where he was headed, he answers that he will go to the forest to search for food, even against his subordinate's warnings that it's ill advised to go there as it's under the protection of the Storm Dragon. Geld dismisses him saying that the dragon has been sealed for a long time and most likely be able to get away with it. As he travels but before reaching the forest, he collapses in starvation. Gelmud comes upon him and observes how Geld has some considerable power and could be used to create a Orc Lord or even an Orc Disaster. Geld's consciousness speaks to Rimuru saying how Gelmud gave him food, a name, and taught him the Orc Lord's skill Starved. He explains how as an Orc Lord he would be able to save his starving companions with the skill Starved as those under it don't die as he eats. Even though he hoped this was an unconditional blessing and not part of a wicked scheme, he also wouldn't bet that it wasn't, but still accepted and continued on. He says because of this obligation, he can't stop what he's doing or eating, even if Rimuru can eat anything including Geld himself. Rimuru states that he has the advantage between their battle of corrosion and that he will lose, but Geld says he can't afford to lose. As his comrades hunger, he will eat monsters, advocates, even his countrymen, for if he dies, they will pay the price. He can't change this course of action, and will take on all the hunger of the world for them. As Geld asserts this, Rimuru removes his slime body off of his corroded corpse.

Rimuru declares that it is still Geld's loss, that if Geld is "Starved" then Rimuru is "Devourer", but he will also devour and take on Geld's will and responsibilities and figure something out for his countrymen. As Geld lays there, his body completely corroding, he queries if Rimuru will really take that all on, which Rimuru replies that he is a greedy devourer after all. Rimuru assures him to sleep soundly, but Geld resists saying he can't afford to. But Geld's consciousness collapses, noting that he is sleepy and it does feel nice resigning, telling Rimuru of his gratitude to him and that as Rimuru will take it upon himself from that point on, he is finally no longer hungry.

As the sun rises, the onlookers on the battlefield witness Rimuru emerging victorious as he reflects how Geld's consciousness faded inside of him and that he has won and Geld should sleep now. As Rimuru's group rejoices, Geld's army laments while his son says that Geld has finally let them go.

Just as Rimuru reflects on how he will approach the aftermath of war, Treyni appears congratulating Rimuru saying he fulfilled the promise in splendid fashion. Goblins remark how there's a Dryad now there. Treyni proclaims that after this incident, there will be a discussion on the management rights of the forest early the next morning. Races that wishes to participate will send a representative to it. Rimuru reflects how it seems Treyni will take care of organizing the aftermath and that she is dependable on important matters. Treyni then also declares that, as most likely no one will object, Rimuru will chair it, much to his surprise.

Back in the village, Rigurd ponders how it's been a week and how everyone is doing. Suddenly, Rimuru appears behind him, shocking him and saying Rigurd looks well.


Differences from Light Novel[]

Magic, Spells, and Abilities used[]

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