Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Wiki
Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Wiki

Spiritrons霊子, reishi are the building blocks of spiritual matter, such as magicules, Holy power, and aura.


Spiritrons are the subatomic particles that make up all forms of spiritual matter, lacking any sort of attribute and filling a position similar to that of the neutron. As a type of spiritual matter, spiritrons are normally intangible and invisible to the naked eye, though it possible for them to materialize into a solid state.[1]

Despite spiritrons normally being infused with attributes and compounded to make composite-like particles such as magicules, they are capable of existing in a state all on their own. In this state, spiritrons move erratically through space-time in seemingly random patterns, making them seem to move ignoring time and space passing through all kinds of barriers[2] and slip through physical materials.

Though the movement of spiritrons seems to be random, they obey their own set of laws. By understanding these laws — known as the Laws of Natural Spiritron Transference〝霊子〟が自然転移する法則性, reishi ga shizen ten'i suru hōsoku-sei — it is possible for their movements to be predicted.[2] If this is combined with the ability to manipulate spiritrons, it is possible to offset their motion by flinging additional spiritrons at them, resulting in the two cancelling each other out. It should be noted, however, that an attack with a fluctuating or extreme density of spiritrons is extremely difficult to predict, which can result in an imperfect defense.[1]

Dark Light[]

When spiritrons become agitated, it is possible for them to release radiation in the form of black-colored pseudo light waves. This Dark Light闇の光, yami no hikari is extremely chaotic, scrambling the genes of living beings and piercing through infons that get in its way.[3] The Nuclear magic spell Death Streak operates using these principles.

