The series' first short story collection takes a deep dive into the epic tale's fantasy world—and what its characters get up to when Rimuru isn't running the show! Gard Mjöllmile, the most powerful human member of Tempest's government, is up to some less-than-proper dealings in the Western Nations; Velgrynd gets involved with a familiar-looking planet as she traces the trail of her lover; Calgurio starts facing up to his past as he strives to rebuild the Empire; and Rain, Primordial Daemon servant of the demon lordGuy Crimson, has a complaint or two about her toxic work environment. All that plus an extra tale you won't want to miss in this stellar collection![1]
Chapter 1: Mjöllmile's Ambitions 「ミョルマイルの野望, myorumairu no yabō」
Chapter 2: Distant Memories 「遠い記憶, tōi kioku」
Chapter 3: Turbulent Days 「激動の日々, gekidō no hibi」
Chapter 4: The Blue Daemon's Soliloquy 「青い悪魔のひとり言, aoi akuma no hitori gen」
Special Bonus: Vesta's Consultation 「ベスターの相談, besutā no sōdan」
Cover art.
Quotes from the main characters of each chapter: Rain, Calgurio, Velgrynd, and Mjöllmile.
Velgrynd presses Testarossa after she flusters Masayuki.
Gob'emon steps in to protect Mjöllmile and Bydd who just lost an ear to Alecchio's fist.
Glenda arrives in the commotion to greet Mjöllmile, one of the Three Wise Drunks.
Velgrynd casually blocks Gensei's blade as she greets a bedridden Oharu.
Velgrynd dominates a spar with Gensei as a means of gauging Gensei's battle prowess.
Velgrynd dons a new Japanese look to fit in with the Arcia Empire.
Shenhua requests a spar with "Longfang."
Pulcinella turns to despair in his final moments before he's turned to ashes by Velgrynd's Cardinal Acceleration.
Testarossa flashes back to when Moss snooped through Minitz's marquis elder brother's journal on her orders.
Calgurio and his wife, Mamia, finally reunite on good terms.
Rain is enamored by a strawberry shortcake during Misery's and her escapade to master Tempest cuisine.
Quotes from the main characters of each chapter: Rain, Calgurio, Velgrynd, and Mjöllmile.
Velgrynd presses Testarossa after she flusters Masayuki.
Extra pages[]
A bonus manga story.
A drawing of Rudra and Velgrynd by Ways of the Monster Nation author Shō Okagiri.
A drawing of Mjöllmile by The Slime Diaries author Shiba.
A drawing of Ranga and Rimuru by Trinity in Tempest author Tae Tono.
A drawing of Ranga and Rimuru by TenChura! author Chacha.
A bonus manga story.
A drawing of Rudra and Velgrynd by Ways of the Monster Nation author Shō Okagiri.
A drawing of Mjöllmile by The Slime Diaries author Shiba.
A drawing of Ranga and Rimuru by Trinity in Tempest author Tae Tono.
A drawing of Ranga and Rimuru by TenChura! author Chacha.