Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Wiki
Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Wiki

Saint聖人せいじん, seijin is a term used by humans to refer to those among them who have "evolved the correct way" and become spiritual life-forms. The exact criteria for being considered one seem to be arbitrarily decided, but it isn't incorrect to call any human, high human, or demi-human who has become a spiritual life-form a "saint."


The typical process of becoming a saint involves an enlightened to cultivate and pushed their mind and body to the absolute limit breaking completely through the mental barrier and becoming a spiritual life-form. This isn't something that can be acquired via training for most individuals, instead requiring immense life and death situations to push them past their limit to achieve. Other, more exotic ways require unique qualities and conditions, like acquiring and hatching a Hero's egg, or sublimating the body and soul into a higher state by using special skills.

The big drawback of awakening through Cultivation is that the body doesn't sublimate instantly with the soul; it usually takes a long time for the material body to fully ascend to a spiritual state. True chosen heroes are an exception to this rule, as they practically bypass the "transition phase" by permanently merging with their elementals.


All saints are terrifyingly powerful individuals; however, their strength can vary greatly from person to person and also depends significantly on the state of the body. The immense energy and strength they wield, in combination with their sublimated material body, allows them to stand on even footing with true demon lords and other awakened beings. As awakened spiritual life-forms, they host souls strong enough to potentially possess ultimate skills as well as extremely long-lived and resilient bodies.

Incomplete saints[]

Incomplete saints are those who have awakened and become spiritual life-forms, but whose flesh has not yet ascended to the same status. Incomplete saints, while possessing greatly boosted energy and abilities, can still said to only be enlightened physically and possess the weaknesses inherent to the human race such as needing oxygen. The time needed for a saint to complete this process varies depending on the techniques and talent of the individual, ranging from hundreds of years to mere moments like in the case of Yuuki Kagurazaka. An incomplete saint can temporarily surpass their limits and gain the status of a complete saint if empowered in certain ways, such as by god-grade or comparable equipment, via special skills like Magic Flame Transformation and Divine Berserker, or by unifying with an elemental lord.

Complete saints[]

Complete saints are those whose body has matched their mental awakening and become almost entirely spiritual in composition. They're freed from human limitations such as needing air, food, or rest and have complete and total control over their body and its functions, even the ability to stop their bleeding and close wounds through sheer willpower. Despite their body being "complete," it has not yet transcended the material realm entirely and still bears a mortal life span, albeit an extremely lengthy one.[1] Only the most powerful among saints have the potential to go beyond the flesh entirely by achieving divinity.

Known saints[]

  • Anime only:
  • Deceased:
  • Former:
  • Non-canon:
  • Spin-off:
  • Unknown:


