Rare-grade 「希少級「 レア 」 , rea 」 equipment is powerful enough to raise the level of adventurers. It is difficult even for A-rank adventurers to have a whole set of rare-grade equipment.[1] Most equipment created by Garm in the beginning of series is of this level.
Known equipment [ ]
Known Rare-Grade Equipment
Gelmud 's Equipment
An unnamed set of Gelmud's armor and equipment which was build to oppose the dryads . It possessed magic resistance.[2]
Hard-Leather Armor 「硬革鎧「 ハードレザーアーマー 」 , hādo rezā āmā 」
Hard-leather armor gifted to Gido by Rimuru Tempest . It was made from the skin of a direwolf and has magic resistance.[3]
Mithril Armor 「魔銀全身鎧「 ミスリルアーマー 」 , misuriru āmā 」
Armor owned by Jinrai .
Ogre Breast 「大鬼の胸当て「 オーガブレスト 」 , ōga buresuto 」
Ogre Series Equipment.
Ogre Leg 「鬼の脛当「 オーガレッグ 」 , ōga reggu 」
Ogre Series Equipment.
Scalemail 「甲殻鱗鎧「 スケイルメイル 」 , sukeiru meiru , lit. "Crustacean Scale Armor"」
Garm 's famous scalemail. Kaval received it as a gift from Rimuru and decided to make it his family's heirloom.[3]
Spider Robe 「粘鋼糸衣「 スパイダーローブ 」 , supaidā rōbu , lit. "Sticky-Steel Thread Garb"」
Armor gifted to Elyun by Rimuru. It's a pure white robe woven with spider silk that looks light but very sturdy.[3]
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