Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Wiki
Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Wiki
Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Wiki

This page lists mistranslations in the official Yen Press English releases of the light novel series and their corrected versions.


Yen Press Corrected Japanese Source
Mimicry: Reproduces the form and skills of absorbed targets. Mimicry: Reproduces the form of absorbed targets with the same power as the original. 擬態:取り込んだ対象を再現し、同等の能力を行使可能。 Chapter 1
Normally, it would be unable to provide responses in the form of conversation, but in order to answer my questions, it apparently revamped itself, diverting part of its "World Language" powers to assist me. That's how it was explained to me, at least. Normally, it would be unable to provide responses in the form of conversation, but in order to answer my questions, it apparently revamped itself, diverting part of the "World Language's" powers to assist me. That's how it was explained to me, at least. ただし、本来ならば会話による返答など出来なかったとの事。俺の疑問に答える為に自己改造を行い、〝世界の言葉〟の権能の一部を流用したのだと説明された。 Chapter 1
The hero's Unlimited Imprisonment could hold its target captive in an infinite number of imaginary spaces for all of time. The hero's Unlimited Imprisonment could hold its target captive in an infinite imaginary space for all of time. 本来、勇者のユニークスキル『無限牢獄』は、対象を永遠の時間、無限の虚数空間に封じ込めるスキルであり、現実世界への干渉を許す程甘い能力ではないのだそうだ。 Chapter 1
I could see the bolt crashing down faster than light… but witnessing its dreadful force for myself simply amazed me. I could see the bolt crashing down far faster than sound… but witnessing its dreadful force for myself simply amazed me. 音速を軽く凌駕する速度で雷が迸ったのは認識出来たけど……いやはや、その破壊力は凄まじいの一言である。 Chapter 3

A Disturbance in the Forest[]

A Disturbance in the Forest
Yen Press Corrected Japanese Source
If you went way down the food chain, [goblins] were related to fairies, so perhaps their tastes were closer to mine than I gave them credit for. If you went way down the evolutionary path, [goblins] were related to fairies, so perhaps their tastes were closer to mine than I gave them credit for. ゴブリンも元は妖精だったようだし、美的感覚は人と同じなのかもしれないな。 Chapter 1
It is possible to combine the Mimic aspect of your Predator unique skill, Flame Transform, the extra skill Control Flame, and the unique skill Deviant. Execute? It is possible to combine the Mimic aspect of your Predator unique skill, Flame Transform, and the extra skill Control Flame via the unique skill Deviant. Execute? ユニークスキル『捕食者』の『擬態』と、『炎化』と、エクストラスキル『炎熱操作』をユニークスキル『変質者』により統合させる事は可能です。実行しますか? Chapter 1
"One of the warriors they trained was my own grandfather," Hakuro said proudly, "and he made well sure to teach me every skill he had." "One of the warriors was my own grandfather," Hakuro said proudly, "and he made well sure to teach me every skill he had." 「その武者の一人が、ワシの祖父に当たるのですよ。ワシの技術は、祖父にみっちりと仕込まれたものなのです」 Chapter 2
Even before he evolved, Benimaru was a masterful enough fighter to sneak up behind my back. Even before he evolved, Hakurou was a masterful enough fighter to sneak up behind my back. 確かに進化前の段階で、俺の背後を取る程の達人だった。 Chapter 2
"I was always told that my ancestors were gifted in the so-called dark arts—and I look forward to exercising those skills to their fullest extent for you." "I was always told that my ancestors were talented shinobi—and I look forward to exercising those skills to their fullest extent for you." この俺の一族は、忍だったと聞いております。リムル様の〝隠密(おんみつ)〟として、全力で任務を遂行致します Chapter 2
Seeing these ogre mages obtain unique skills in the same way was fascinating. Seeing these kijin obtain special abilities in the same way was fascinating. 彼等がどんな特殊能力を身につけるのか、興味深いところである。 Chapter 2
This was known as the Food Chain, another ability unlocked by the Ravenous skill. It let the orcs function both as a horde, and as a single conscious entity. This was known as the Food Chain, another ability unlocked by the Ravenous skill. Ravenous' abilities let the orcs function both as a horde, and as a single conscious entity. それが、ユニークスキル『飢餓者(ウエルモノ)』の能力の一つ『食物連鎖』だった。群れであり、一個の個体でもある。牙狼族の性質とはまた異なるが群体と化す事も、『飢餓者(ウエルモノ)』の特徴であった。 Chapter 4
Finally, from the orcs, there was the sole surviving orc general, along with sixteen chiefs from their tribal federation. Finally, from the orcs, there was the sole surviving orc general, along with ten chiefs from their tribal federation. 豚頭族(オーク)からは、唯一生き残ったオークジェネラル。それと、部族連合代表の十大族長達。 Chapter 7
Soei told me they carried little with them, and Geld the demon lord didn't offer much to them, either. They were in danger of starving all over again, except this time, they weren't under the spell of a unique skill that kept them pressing forward. Soei told me they carried little with them, and Geld's Stomach didn't offer much to them, either. They were in danger of starving all over again, except this time, they weren't under the spell of a unique skill that kept them pressing forward. ソウエイの報告によると、兵糧はそんなに準備されていなかったとの事。魔王ゲルドの『胃袋』にも、兵糧関係は収納されてはいなかった。つまりは、本当に食べる物がなかったのだ。共食いによる、ユニークスキルの影響を受けて、飢えながらも進撃が可能だっただけの話。 Chapter 7

Demon Lord Attack[]

Information to be added.

Human-Monster Interaction[]

Human-Monster Interaction
Yen Press Corrected Japanese Source
Days passed…
And then Hinata found him.
The one god she was truly qualified to serve.
Days passed…
And then Hinata found her.
The one god she was truly qualified to serve.

A Demon Lord's Awakening[]

A Demon Lord's Awakening
Yen Press Corrected Japanese Source
Her Dead End Rainbow skill slashed right into people's spirits—but since it didn't kill me, she understood now that the Glutton had no spirit, no will of its own. It was a soul in its purest form, the origin of the power that lies at the root of man and monster. Her Dead End Rainbow skill slashed right into people's spirits—but since it didn't kill me, she understood now that the Glutton had no spirit, no will of its own. The soul, in its purest form, is the origin of the power that lies at the root of man and monster. 精神を切り刻む〝七彩終焉刺突撃(デッド・エンド・レインボー)〟で死に至らなかった事で、『暴食者(グラトニー)』が精神──つまり、意思を持たないと理解したようだ。人や魔物の根幹であり力の源たる、魂。 Chapter 3
The ever-changing breath attacks—fire, ice, air—took out nearly a third of them in short order. The ever-changing breath attacks of multiple attributes took out nearly a third of them in short order. 上空から降り注ぐ各種属性の吐息(ブレス)によって、三割の騎士が倒れたのである。 Chapter 4
Even if [Razen] had a cornucopia of unique skills to choose from, he could never beat that monster. Calamity-class, indeed. Even if [Razen] had a cornucopia of unique skills to choose from, he could never beat that monster. Disaster-class, indeed. ユニークスキルを幾つ持っていたとしても、あんな化け物に勝てる訳がなかった。あれこそが正に、災禍級(ディザスター)なのだ。 Chapter 5
Universal Barrier automatically protected my body—fully handled by Raphael—without my having to think about it. Universal Barrier automatically protected my body—similar to when I'm being fully handled by Raphael—without my having to think about it. 『万能結界』は、自動で俺の身体を護っている。意識する必要もなく、完全に智慧之王(ラファエル)さんの支配下にあるみたいだ。 Chapter 5
LN 05 21 EN
Unique Skills
Wise Man ......
Mind Accelerate, Cast Cancel, All of Creation, Control Laws

Tempter ......
Control Thought, Charm, Solicit
LN 05 21
Present status

The Octagram Soars[]

The Octagram Soars
Yen Press Corrected Japanese Source
Adalmann's intensive study continued. And eventually, he took the next step forward, to the highest peak of mankind—a Sage. Adalmann's intensive study continued. And eventually, he was one step away from taking the next step forward, to the highest peak of mankind—a Saint. アダルマンは更なる研鑽(けんさん)を積み、もう一歩で人としての最高峰たる〝聖人〟へと至ろうとしていた。 Chapter 4
When I asked her about it, Ramiris said she had been resurrected around five hundred years ago. It would apparently take her several centuries to fully mature. When I asked her about it, Ramiris said she had been resurrected around fifty years ago. It would apparently take her another century to fully mature. ラミリスは、成長するまでに後百年はかかるという話だった。それを詳しく聞いてみたところ、五十年くらい前に生まれ変わったばかりなのだそうだ。 Chapter 5

Conflict Between Saints and Monsters[]

Conflict Between Saints and Monsters
Yen Press Corrected Japanese Source
[Granbell] had the ability to send his spiritual power into other people, possessing their bodies, and he had just transferred himself to another host the other day. [Granbell] had the ability to send his spiritual body into other people, possessing their bodies, and he had just transferred himself to another host the other day. グランベルはその精神体(スピリチュアル・ボディー)を飛ばし、他人に憑依(ひょうい)する力を有していた。つい先日、新しい肉体に乗り換えたばかりだったというのに、それを台無しにされて憤慨する。 Epilogue

Territorial Seizure[]

Information to be added.

Opening of the Monster City[]

Opening of the Monster City
Yen Press Corrected Japanese Source
We had all kinds of lavish fixtures from Diablo's manor, not to mention all his gold and silver, and besides, Diablo had taken 1,500 stellars in restitution from Farmus. We had all kinds of lavish fixtures from Clayman's manor, not to mention all his gold and silver, and besides, Diablo had taken 1,500 stellars in restitution from Farmus. クレイマンの居城にも結構な調度品が飾ってあったし、金銀財宝を回収してある。それにディアブロが、ファルムス王国からの賠償金の一部として、星金貨千五百枚を徴収している。 Interlude

The Majin Behind the Scenes[]

The Majin Behind the Scenes
Yen Press Corrected Japanese Source
[The tea] wasn't displeasing at all—maybe just a tad stronger on the bitterness than usual.
"I-I'll replace it at once!" an apparently panic-stricken Diablo said. But he really didn't need to.
[The tea] wasn't displeasing at all—maybe just a tad stronger on the bitterness than usual.
"I-I'll replace it at once!" an apparently panic-stricken Shion said. But she really didn't need to.
Chapter 1

Awakening of the Chosen Hero[]

Awakening of the Chosen Hero
Yen Press Corrected Japanese Source
Complete. The unique skills Unlimited Imprisonment and Absolute Severance will have Measurer added to them. The resulting sacrifice of energy will trigger an evolution to an ultimate skill. Complete. The unique skills Unlimited Imprisonment and Absolute Severance will have Usurper added to them. The resulting sacrifice of energy will trigger an evolution to an ultimate skill. 《終。ユニークスキル『無限牢獄』と『絶対切断』に『簒奪者』を加え、大量の魔素(エネルギー)を捧げる事で、究極能力(アルティメットスキル)へと進化させます》 Chapter 5
Even better, Chronoa—a conscious body, normally an alternate version of Chloe—was optimized into an informational body known as a manas, allowing her to switch out with Chloe at any time. Even better, Chronoa—a conscious body, normally an alternate version of Chloe—was optimized into an informational body known as a manas that has the authority to manage skills and could switch out with Chloe at any time. しかも、本来はクロエの別人格だった意識体(クロノア)まで、能力(スキル)を管理する権限を有する〝神智核(マナス)〟という情報体へと、クロエといつでも切り替われる形で最適化されたのだった。 Chapter 5

The Eve of War[]

The Eve of War
Yen Press Corrected Japanese Source
His [Yuuki] spiritual force flowed, focusing itself around his soul, and he was using it to enhance his physical body—from human to Enlightened, and from Enlightened to Saint. His [Yuuki] spiritual force flowed, focused by his mind, and he was using it to enhance his physical body—from human to Enlightened, and from Enlightened to Saint. 普段は抑え込んでいるその力、気力を高め精神を集中させて、自らの意思で肉体の改造を行っているのだ。人間から、〝仙人〟に。そして、〝聖人〟へと。 Prologue
But—hey—maybe in this other time line, he [Veldora] killed me after I resurrected him, which then set him off in a violent rage. But—hey—maybe in this other time line, they [the Empire] killed me after I resurrected him, which then set him off in a violent rage. まあ、復活したら俺が殺されていたから怒った、というパターンかも知れないけどさ。 Chapter 1
The other two were Misha the Lover—a beautiful woman with a strange air about her, at times looking like both a young girl and a mature woman—and Vega the Power, whose supple, well-balanced, carnivore-like body dominated anyone who laid eyes upon her. The other two were Misha the Lover—a beautiful woman with a strange air about her, at times looking like both a young girl and a mature woman—and Vega the Power, whose supple, well-balanced, carnivore-like body dominated anyone who laid eyes upon him. 残る二名の片方が、〝女〟のミーシャ。少女のようでもあり、熟女のようでもある。怪しい魅力を放つ美貌の女性であった。最後の一人が、〝力〟を象徴する男。名をヴェガという。しなやかで均整の取れた肉食獣のような肉体を持ち、見る者を射殺すような威圧を放っていた。 Chapter 3

The Imperial Invasion[]

Information to be added.

A Clash of Dragons and Monsters[]

A Clash of Dragons and Monsters
Yen Press Corrected Japanese Source
The results performed in proportion with the skill of the owner, and for the demons, they could easily surpass Legend-level protection. The results performed in proportion with the skill of the owner, and for the demons, the result was at least equivelant to Legend-level protection. その性能は所有者の技量(レベル)に比例し、少なくとも伝説級(レジェンド)並みの防御力に達している。 Chapter 1
"Hee-hee-hee… Kwah-ha-ha-ha! Tell him [Veldora] I went a bit easy on him this time, but don't expect any mercy when I return."
"You sure you want me to tell him that?"
She [Velzard] seemed to be apologizing in an ever-so-wispy voice, but I'm a kind slime, so I pretended not to hear.
"Hee-hee-hee… Kwah-ha-ha-ha! Tell her [Velzard] I went a bit easy on her this time, but don't expect any mercy when I return."
"You sure you want me to tell her that?"
He [Veldora] seemed to be apologizing in an ever-so-wispy voice, but I'm a kind slime, so I pretended not to hear.
「クックック、クアハハハ! 少々手加減してやったから、次は容赦せぬと伝えておいてくれ」
Chapter 2

The Abyss Unleashed[]

The Abyss Unleashed
Yen Press Corrected Japanese Source
I… I am Ciel. A Manas, or theosophical core, merged with a skill. I… I am Ciel. A Manas, or theosophical core, one who merges skills. ワタシ──私は、シエル。神智核(マナス)であり、能力(スキル)を統合する者。 Chapter 2
Are you saying that your master is that little brat with dark blue hair? Are you saying that your master is that little brat with bluish purple hair? お前等の主ってのは、あの紫紺色の髪の少女(ガキ)か? Chapter 4
The hostility was clear in [Kondou's] voice as he took his stance.

About an hour into the fight, Carrera was on her knees.
The hostility was clear in [Kondou's] voice as he took his stance.

About half an hour into the fight, Carrera was on her knees.

Chapter 5
Amaterasu, derived from Velgrynd's own abilities, included the skill Dominate Heat, which accelerated his body. Amaterasu, derived from Velgrynd's own abilities, included the skill Dominate Light and Heat, which accelerated his body. ヴェルグリンドの権能を解析して反映させた『陽炎之王(アマテラス)』には、『光熱支配』という自身をも加速させる事が可能な権能が備わっていたのだ。 Chapter 5

End of the Game[]

End of the Game
Yen Press Corrected Japanese Source
You see, I have at long last taken a Parallel Existence of Velgrynd's for my own. This will allow me to transport myself over to you while allowing Ludora to keep his powers. You see, I have at long last taken a copy of Velgrynd's Parallel Existence ability for my own. This will allow me to transport myself over to you while allowing Ludora to keep his powers. 《余は遂に、ヴェルグリンドの『並列存在』を我が物とした。これによって、ルドラの権能をそのままに、お前に移住する事が可能となったのだ》 Prologue
Their power gave them EP scores of around 70,000, and further experience could bring them into the Special S level. Fear didn’t register in their minds—they were just itching to test out their powers. Their power gave them EP scores of around 700,000, and further experience could bring them into the Special S level. Fear didn’t register in their minds—they were just itching to test out their powers. その力は存在値に換算して七十万相当である。更なる経験を積めば特S級に至れるのは間違いないので、実のところ恐怖する以前に、自分達の力を試してみたくてウズウズしていたのだった。 Chapter 1
One was a large, muscular woman while the other was a smaller, handsome young man. One was a large, muscular woman while the other was a smaller, beautiful young girl. 大柄で筋肉質な女戦士と、小柄な美少女の二人組である。 Chapter 1
Then Apito sprang forth at light speed—and the battle inside the Control Center grew even more intense. Then Apito sprang forth at supersonic speed—and the battle inside the Control Center grew even more intense. その直後、アピトが音速を超えて飛翔した。 Chapter 1
It seems Lady Veldanava's will is for me to win after all! It seems Lord Veldanava's will is for me to win after all! やはりヴェルダナーヴァ様も、私の勝利を望んでおられるのですね!! Chapter 1
It was an absolute order—and even an angelic ultimate skill couldn't resist Michael's Ultimate Dominion. It was an absolute order—one that an angelic ultimate skill couldn't resist, Michael's Ultimate Dominion. 天使系の究極能力(アルティメットスキル)は、ミカエルの〝天使長の支配(アルティメットドミニオン)〟に逆らえないのである。 Chapter 1
When Velgrynd's Ability Adjust wrapped itself up, her skill Raguel, Lord of Relief was integrated with the remains of Uriel, Lord of Vows, the essence of both being inherited by Shub-Niggurath. When Velgrynd's Ability Adjust wrapped itself up, her skill Raguel, Lord of Relief was integrated with the remains of Uriel, Lord of Vows, its [Uriel's] essence being inherited by Shub-Niggurath. 事後報告だったが、ヴェルグリンドの『能力改変(オルタレーション)』が終わった後で、ヴェルグリンドの『救恤之王(ラグエル)』に統合したのは『誓約之王(ウリエル)』の残滓(ざんし)で、その本質は『豊穣之王(シュブ・ニグラト)』に受け継いだとか言っていた。 Chapter 2
Geld had obtained the ultimate skill Belzebuth, which included a wide variety of abilities… Geld had obtained the ultimate gift Beelzebub, which included a wide variety of abilities… ゲルドが獲得したのは究極贈与(アルティメットギフト)美食之王(ベルゼバブ)』と言って Chapter 2
Zegion's ultimate skill Mephisto included a wealth of high-level skills, such as Hasten Thought, Universal Detect, Lord's Ambition, Dominate Water & Lightning, Dominate Dimensions, Multidimensional Barrier, All of Creation, Spiritual Domination, and Fantastical World. Zegion's ultimate skill Mephisto included a wealth of high-level skills, such as Hasten Thought, Universal Detect, Lord's Ambition, Dominate Water & Lightning, Control Dimensions, Multidimensional Barrier, All of Creation, Spiritual Domination, and Fantastical World. ゼギオンの究極能力(アルティメットスキル)幻想之王(メフィスト)』には、『思考加速・万能感知・魔王覇気・水雷支配・時空間操作・多次元結界・森羅万象・精神支配・幻想世界』という高性能な権能群が含まれていた。 Chapter 2
Anti-Skill, after all, was a technique driven by three separate abilities—Dominate Water & Lightning, Dominate Spirit, and Fantastical World. Dream End, after all, was a technique driven by three separate abilities—Dominate Water & Lightning, Dominate Spirit, and Fantastical World. 何しろ〝夢の終わり(ドリームエンド)〟とは、『水雷支配・精神支配・幻想世界』という三つの権能の複合技だからだ。 Chapter 2
That meant Azathoth contained the abilities Soul Glutton, Void Collapse, Complex Space, Release True Dragon (Flame/Storm), Coreify True Dragon (Flame/Storm), Control Dimensions, and Multidimensional Barrier. That meant Azathoth contained the abilities Soul Glutton, Void Collapse, Imaginary Space, Release True Dragon (Flame/Storm), Coreify True Dragon (Flame/Storm), Dominate Dimensions, and Multidimensional Barrier. つまり、『魂暴喰(こんぼうしょく)・虚無崩壊・虚数空間・竜種解放[灼熱・暴風]・竜種核化[灼熱・暴風]・時空間支配・多次元結界』というのが『虚空之神(アザトース)』の権能なのだ。 Chapter 2
So the game between Guy and Ludora, played over several thousand years, came to a close. So the game between Guy and Rudra, played over thousands of years, came to a close. こうして、数千年にも及ぶギィとルドラのゲームは終わりを告げた。 Epilogue

Spacetime Fragments[]

Spacetime Fragments
Yen Press Corrected Japanese Source
Besides, we had his son Prince Figaro running the Western General Trade Company. Besides, we had Prince Figaro running the Western General Trade Company. フィガロ王子が代表じゃし、まあ大丈夫じゃろう。 Chapter 1
They were all at differing levels of civilization (if they had any at all), and [Velgrynd] couldn’t conjecture what dimension they were in, or what timeline. They were all at differing levels of civilization (if they had any at all), and [Velgrynd] couldn’t conjecture what dimension they were in, or what era. 文明レベルも様々で、それがどの次元で、どの時間軸なのかも、ヴェルグリンドには推し量る(すべ)などない。 Chapter 2
I have taken on the hun-po—the spiritual and animal soul—of the Holy Fists of the past, the ones who have inherited the greatest power there is. I have taken on the hun-po—the spiritual and corporeal soul—of the Holy Fists of the past, the ones who have inherited the greatest power there is. 私が歴代の〝拳聖〟から〝魂魄〟を継承せし者。最強を受け継ぎし当代の〝拳聖〟です。 Chapter 2

The End of Ambitions[]

The End of Ambitions
Yen Press Corrected Japanese Source
"Heh. Don't bother hiding it, Milim," Guy scoffed. "You musta figured we'd die in some battle to come if we both remained a couple of wimps, right? That's the whole reason why you gave us a chance to fight humans." "Heh. Don't bother hiding it, Milim," Carrion scoffed. "You musta figured we'd die in some battle to come if we both remained a couple of wimps, right? That's the whole reason why you gave us a chance to fight humans." 「フッ、隠すなよミリム。俺様達が弱っちいままだと、今後の戦いで死んじまうとでも考えたんだろう? だからこそ、人間達と戦う機会を与えてくれたんだろうが」 Chapter 1
Raphael, Lord of Wisdom (ultimate skill): A support-oriented ability suited for administrating the laws governing the world. Raphael, Lord of Knowledge (ultimate skill): A support-oriented ability suited for administrating the laws governing the world. 究極能力(アルティメットスキル)知識之王(ラファエル)』──世界の法則を管理する為の権能で、サポートに特化している。 Chapter 1
Raphael, Lord of Wisdom, was a pair with Belzebuth, Lord of Gluttony. Raphael, Lord of Knowledge, was a pair with Belzebuth, Lord of Gluttony. 究極能力(アルティメットスキル)知識之王(ラファエル)』が『暴食之王(ベルゼビュート)』と。 Chapter 1
The ultimate skills Azathoth, Lord of the Void, and Shub-Niggurath, Lord of Abundance… The ultimate skills Azathoth, God of the Void, and Shub-Niggurath, Lord of Abundance… 究極能力(アルティメットスキル)虚空之神(アザトース)』と『豊穣之王(シュブ・ニグラト)』とか、公開していい情報とは思えない。 Chapter 1
Right, I'm thinking these walking dead will serve as bodies for the high-level angels they summoned via the Dead Birthday. Right, I'm thinking these deathmen will serve as bodies for the high-level angels they summoned via Armageddon. そう、『天使之軍勢(ハルマゲドン)』で召喚された上位天使を、妖死族(デスマン)に受肉させるんじゃないかってね。 Chapter 1
"Hey, quit being so stingy. You're practically swimming in Million-Class underlings," Guy spat. "Hey, quit being so stingy. You're practically swimming in awakened-class underlings," Guy spat. 「オイオイ、出し惜しみするなって。テメエの国には覚醒級がゴロゴロいやがっただろ」 Chapter 1
The ultimate skill Grimoire, by the way, was in the same family as Adalmann's Necronomicon and boasted similar abilities. The ultimate gift Grimoire, by the way, was in the same family as Adalmann's Necronomicon and boasted similar abilities. ちなみに、究極贈与(アルティメットギフト)魔道之書(グリモワール)』の権能だが──アダルマンの『魔道之書(ネクロノミコン)』と同系統になっているという言葉通り、性能も酷似していた。 Chapter 2
"Well, Sir Carillon took me on first. Revenge, as he called it."


"Do you remember when we sent an observation team over to Eurazania? He failed to land anything on me back then. So I tested out the awakened Sir Carillon to see how much I had grown."
"Well, I took Sir Carillon on first. Revenge, as I called it."


"Do you remember when we sent an observation team over to Eurazania? I failed to land anything on him back then. So I tested myself out against the awakened Sir Carillon to see how much I had grown."


Chapter 2
And did Fry try her hand against Zegion next? And did Frey try her hand against Zegion next? 「それで、フレイさんはゼギオンに挑戦したのかな?」 Chapter 2
Regular humans and monsters, much like the temporary bodies they were currently using, would disintegrate under the kind of power they wielded. It was a similar situation to back when the Primordial Angels fought each other, competing to get incarnated first. Regular humans and monsters, much like the temporary bodies they were currently using, would disintegrate under the kind of power they wielded. It was a similar situation to back when the primordial daemons fought each other, competing to get incarnated first. 現在使用している仮初(かりそめ)肉体(モノ)と同様、単なる人間や魔物では、彼等の力に耐えきれずに崩壊してしまうからだ。それは、原初達が受肉を競い合っていた事情と同様である。 Chapter 3
But that is just the punishment of the gods. Those who Lady Veldanava loved are now betraying that love. But that is just the punishment of the gods. Those who Lord Veldanava loved are now betraying that love. だが、それこそが天罰なのだ。ヴェルダナーヴァ様が愛した者共は、その愛を裏切った。 Chapter 3

A Disturbance in the Royal Capital[]

A Disturbance in the Royal Capital
Yen Press Corrected Japanese Source
[Jahil's] nimble footwork and spear aptitude were both exemplary. With my perception sped up millionfold, I could tell he was a master of both. [Jahil's] nimble footwork and spear aptitude were both exemplary. With my perception sped up by several hundred million, I could tell he was a master of both. つまり、軽やかな動きで槍さばきも様になっていた。知覚速度を数億倍にしているから見て取れるが、どう見ても達人のそれである。 Chapter 1
Hastur was classified as a change in status, unlike Burst Roar's "skill" classification. Hastur was classified as a change in status, unlike Burst Roar's "special move" classification. しかもランガの場合、カリオンと違って必殺技ではなく状態変化の括りに分類される。 Chapter 1
Each individual [dracobeast] had an EP past 240,000. Each individual [dracobeast] had an EP of 2,400,000. 個々の存在値は、二百四十万に達していた。 Chapter 3
Ludora respected Granville, Hinata's teacher, as his own master, and his own power was clearly the real thing. Ludora was respected by Granville, Hinata's teacher, as his own master, and his own power was clearly the real thing. ヒナタの師であるグランベルが師匠と敬うだけあって、ルドラの力は本物だった。 Chapter 4
I have access to Lord of Justice right now, too. But what I'll teach you a lesson with today is Uriel—the most powerful magic force! I have access to Lord of Justice right now, too. But what I'll teach you a lesson with today is Uriel—the most powerful offensive force! 今の俺は『正義之王(ミカエル)』だって使えるんだがよ、ここでテメエに引導を渡すのは、最強の攻撃力を誇る『誓約之王(ウリエル)』だぜ Chapter 4
I also obtained Velzard's angelic factors, so I will now begin the Analyze and Assess process. I also obtained Velzard's [dragon] factor, so I will now begin the Analyze and Assess process. ヴェルザードの因子も獲得しましたので、『解析鑑定』に入ります♪ Chapter 4