Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Wiki
Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Wiki

I won't let a single one of you escape.

Die. May the anger of the gods sear through your very souls. Megiddo!

Rimuru TempestA Demon Lord's Awakening

Megiddo神之怒メギド, megido, lit. "The Fury of God"」 is a type of Physics magic developed by Rimuru Tempest to gather ten thousand souls for their Harvest Festival.


An application of Elemental magic that uses large water droplets shaped by water elementals to create convex lenses which concentrate the sun's energy into pencil-thin beams of light packed with immense heat reaching several thousand degrees celsius.[2] Smaller water droplets are then used as mirrors to redirect the beams toward the targets.

Megiddo is very efficient in terms of energy requirement. It costs very little beyond reforming the water mirrors at the final point of contact of each light volley.[2] This is what makes it so dangerous coupled with the fact it is an unavoidable instant-kill attack that strikes without warning. In the face of it, any anti-magic barriers are entirely useless. A few of its noteworthy weaknesses are that scattering fine particles such as dust or sand can hinder or even negate its power, while during the night it is unable to be used. The second problem was eventually resolved by Raphael in the process of fine-tuning Megiddo for use as a surveillance system.



Utilizing the same principle as Megiddo, Rimuru created the large scale surveillance system Argos神之瞳アルゴス, arugosu, lit. "The Eye of God"」. By deploying huge water lenses near the stratosphere, a magnified view of the target destination can be reflected to the control room, creating detail-rich video of the place.

Taking a page out of Moss' book, Rimuru sent out a herd of tiny slimes split from themself, using them as a medium to activate the magic on site. All clones are connected to their main body through Spatial Domination, allowing for an instant data link and thus zero-latency streaming. The clones were too tiny to act autonomously, which had the added benefit of requiring no magicules so long as Rimuru didn't consciously act on them.

The feed to the monitor was highly accurate after being processed by Raphael. A close-up view of whatever distant area could be enjoyed from the warmth of the Control Room. Moreover, Megiddo can be activated in the place shown on-screen. Utilizing a system with multiple lenses deployed in different time zone, Megiddo could even be fired at night by reflecting beams of light from one lens to another removing previous weakness.

Megiddo - Revised[]

Rimuru remodeled Megiddo in How to Spend a Certain Vacation to bring to life fictional techniques from the manga 3x3 Eyes — the Beast Magic獣魔術, jūmajutsu: Koan-Yaa光牙コアンヤア, koanyā, lit. "Light Fang"」 and Chinku鏡蟲チンクウ, chinkū, lit. "Mirror Insect"」.

Rimuru summons a powerful beam of light from their palm through a summoned spatial distortion connecting their location to the giant water lenses in the stratosphere focusing sunlight. The beam aims straight for its target at the speed of light and leaves behind the afterimage of a three-headed dragon as a result of being cloaked in Demon Lord's Haki. With the beam being enhanced by the properties of Rimuru’s haki, it is able deliver damage beyond just the Material body. Through the use of lenses created by a water elemental mimicking 'Chinku', the trajectory of the light can be freely adjusted by being reflected off multiple mirrors.


  • In the Light Novel, the droplet mirrors and beams are both red, but in the anime they are blue instead. The anime depiction is actually more realistic, considering that the droplets are of water and the beams are just focused sunlight.
  • Rimuru gained the inspiration for this magic from Hinata's Disintegration Magic.
  • The name of the magic, "Megiddo," is derived from the name of a place in Israel called Tel Megiddo, aka "Har Megiddo" (Mount Meggido), which is the prophesized location of the final battle between good and evil. The term Armageddon, one of the more common names of the Christian apocalypse, is also derived from that location's name.
  • The sunlight power density is about 1400 W/m2. To reach the power of industrial metal laser cutter i.e. around 5000 W, the main lenses focusing sunlight need to be at least 3.57 m2 in surface area or 2.14 m in diameter, assuming no energy were lost. Therefore, the rendition in anime is somewhat accurate.
  • In That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime: ISEKAI Memories, the "Rimuru Tempest [Chancellor of Tempest]" unit uses this as a Secret Skill. Strangely enough, the English naming originally used direct translation rather than the top naming.
    • The "Rimuru Tempest [Forsaken Future]" unit uses a version of Megiddo named Megiddo Infernus神之怒獄界メギドインフェルヌス, megido inferunusu, lit. "The Fury Prison Realm of God"」.
  • In Last Cloudia, Rimuru uses this as one of his Abilities.
  • In Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross, "「Octagram」Demon Lord Rimuru Tempest" unit uses this as their ultimate move that inflicts damage on all enemies and applies an Abyss buff effect that inflicts after damage when your turn ends with a buff that has the unit taking 50% less damage for 2 turns.
  • In Guardian Tales, Rimuru uses this as their chain skill when in the party.


