Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Wiki
Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Wiki

Lycanthropes獣人族ライカンスロープ, raikansurōpu, lit. "Beast People Tribe"」 are a race of Demi-humans that can transform into their respective beasts at will and are generally Ranked B on average. The vast majority of them reside in the Beast Kingdom of Eurazania.


Twilight Valentine created this race by hybridizing Humans with Magic beasts, enabling them to transform into their respective beasts. The lifespan of lycanthropes is not significantly different from that of humans with some exceptions, except for their extended youth, which lasts from 30 to 50 years. However, as they start to age, their bodies quickly weaken, and they typically succumb within two weeks with some exceptions. The Beastmen, as a race, thrive in battle and eagerly embrace strong adversaries.

Additionally, several other Demi-human races, including Orcs, Rabbitfolk, and Kobolds, originated from Lycanthrope tribes that gradually lost the ability to shift completely from a human form to a beast form. This resulted in a permanent fusion of their human and beast traits.


Lycanthropes can be broadly classified into seven different groups based on their animal characteristics: Canine, inu Types (e.g., Wolves and Foxes), Feline, neko Types (e.g., Lions, Tigers, and Panthers), Primate, saru Types, Bear, kuma Types, Serpent, hebi Types, Avian, tori Types, and "Large" Types (e.g., Elephants, ). Among these types, Avian and Large types are considered the rarest, with a significantly smaller population compared to other groups. On the other hand, the 'Lion' within the feline tribe is renowned for its exceptional strength, making it widely regarded as the most powerful lycanthrope overall.



Intrinsic skills[]

Known Lycanthropes[]

  • Anime only:
  • Deceased:
  • Former:
  • Non-canon:
  • Spin-off:
  • Unknown:


