Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Wiki
Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Wiki

Illusion magic幻覚魔法, genkaku mahō is a type of magic that draws from both aspectual magic and elemental magic.


Illusion magic functions by interacting with or manipulating the spiritual and astral bodies or even the soul of the target to achieve a wide variety of effects.

It can range from creating simple effects that target the senses to more complex magic that directly interferes with the spiritual body, astral body, or soul. Not all illusion magic is centered on illusion or deception.


Great Secret Art[]

Great Secret Art大秘術, dai hijutsu

Episode 34 - Razen possesses Shogo

Razen using Possession on Shogo's body

  • Possession憑依転生ポゼッション, pozesshon: Transfers the target's Spiritual and Astral Bodies into another person’s body. This allows the target to elongate their lifespan and inherit their new body's skills and abilities, though at the cost of losing the skills attached to their previous body and with the risk of getting weaker depending on the amount of mana in the new body compared to the previous one.

Mystery Art[]

Mystery Art神秘奥義, shinpi ōgi

  • Reincarnation輪廻転生リインカーネーション, riinkānēshon: Reincarnates the Soul and Astral body of the target into a newborn body, thus resetting their lifespan. The target is temporarily weakened due to their juvenile state, but retains their knowledge and experience.

Secret Art[]

Secret Arts秘術, hijutsu

  • Secret Art of Implantation授魂の秘術, jukon no hijutsu
    • Sacred Birthday大規模蘇生術式セイクリッド・バースディ, seikuriddo bāsudi: A mass usage of the Secret Art of Implantation, which is used on a large number of people simultaneously.[2]
  • Secret Art of Rejuvenation若返りの秘術, wakagaeri no hijutsu
  • Secret Art of Resurrection死者蘇生の秘術, shisha sosei no hijutsu
  • Secret Art of Revival反魂の秘術, hankon no hijutsu
  • Secret Art of Spiritualization霊体化の秘術, reitai-ka no hijutsu

Talisman Art[]

Talisman Arts呪符術/符術, jufujutsu/fujutsu[3][4]

  • Astral Bind星幽束縛術アストラルバインド, asutoraru baindo

Miscellaneous & Unknown[]

  • Channeling想像共有チャネリング, chaneringu, lit. "Imagination Sharing"」: Magic that allows the user to telepathically share ideas, similar to Thought Communication.
  • Charm魅了チャーム, chāmu[1]
  • Confusion昏睡の香りコンフュージョン, konfyūjon, lit. "Odor of Coma"」: Magic that interferes with a target's five senses and puts them to sleep.
  • Deception虚偽情報ディセプション, disepushon[5]
  • Evil Law of Contract契約の邪法, keiyaku no jahō
  • Flame Seal幻炎の紋章フレイムシール, fureimu shīru, lit. "Phantom Flame Crest"」
  • Flame Wall幻炎の防壁フレイムウォール, fureimu wōru, lit. "Phantom Flame Barrier"」: Magic that creates a wall of spectral flames. Though not particularly harmful, it can block attacks as well as serve as a smokescreen.[6][7]
  • Magic Sensor魔法感知マジックセンサー, majikku sensā, lit. "Magic Perception"」
  • Mental Crush精神破壊メンタルクラッシュ, mentaru kurasshu, lit. "Spiritual Destruction"」
  • Sleep Down睡眠誘導スリープダウン, surīpu daun, lit. "Sleep Induction"」: Magic that puts the target to sleep and also keeps them from waking up as long as it is in effect.[8]
  • Thoughtography想像念写ソートグラフィー, sōtogurafī: Magic that allows the user to directly print images from their mind onto a surface such as paper.


