Gobta vs. Gabiru 「ゴブタ VS ガビル, Gobuta VS Gabiru」 is the seventeenth chapter of the manga adaptation of That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime.
Information to be added.
By wanting them to become his subordinates, Gabiru annoys Rimuru and the rest. Gabiru proceeds to explain that an orc army is approaching and by becoming his subordinates, he will protect the goblins from this village. But then he looks at those standing in front of him and doesn't see a single goblin, but hobgoblin, slime and oni. Gabiru turns to his men to discuss what is going on and then turns back to Rimuru, stating that he heard someone tamed a Tempest wolf and he is willing to make that person an officer. Rimuru calls Ranga, and its size surprised Benimaru. Rimuru explains that this is Ranga's original size, but as he gets excited, he destroys stuff with his tail and he shrunk after being scold.

Rimuru witnesses Gobta's development
By Rimuru's orders, Ranga listens to what Gabiru has to say. Gabiru is impressed by Ranga and offers him to defeat his master for him and Ranga to become his subordinate. Gobta then shows up, who had developed poison resistance skill due to Shion's food. Ranga pushes Gobta in front and tells Gabiru that if he defeats him, he will listen to his proposal. Rimuru tells Gobta that if he wins, he will tell Kurobe to make a weapon for him, which slightly excites Gobta. But if he loses, he will eat Shion's cooking and hearing that Gobta gets super serious. As the battle starts, Gobta throws his weapon at Gabiru, then sinks into his shadow and appears behind Gabiru. He then kicks and defeats Gabiru. Rimuru is surprised of how good Gobta is and thought that if he lost the rest would have beaten Gabiru, but sees they believed in Gobta. Rimuru informs the lizardmen that they won't be becoming their subordinates, but are willing to fight the orc tribe, however, the lizardmen take Gabiru and run, stating that they will return.
Rimuru gathers everyone to discuss the orc situation. He is surprised to learn the orcs are 200,000. Rimuru wonders about the orc's motive and guesses if a Demon Lord is involved, but quickly dismisses it. Benimaru guesses the possibility of an Orc Lord is even higher now. Souei reveals that a third party had contacted his clone, a dryad. Rimuru tells him to bring her in and he teleports her. The dryad introduces herself as Treyni. Everyone gets surprised as they haven't seen a dryad before. Treyni asks Rimuru, the monster leader, to suppress the Orc Lord.
Gobta vs. Gabiru |
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- Light Novel
- Light novel volume 2
- Chapter 3: The Envoy and the Meeting
Adaptation Notes[]
- Light Novel
- Information to be added.
- Information to be added.