Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Wiki
Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Wiki

Equipment refers to various weapons, armors, and accessories equipped by characters throughout the story. In a world where the threats of war and monster attacks are ever-present, good equipment are crucial for survival. They can provide significant advantage in combat by raising the user's power level or granting special properties like Magic Resistance, or even allow the user to destroy opponent's weapon if it is of inferior quality.

Equipment Enhancement[]

In a world where magic is publicly available, there are various ways for craftsmen to enhance the equipment they made.


By using Engraving magic刻印魔法, kokuin mahō, craftsmen can affix magical effects to equipment. Engraved magic gear could be infused with Mana, and once infused, it was possible to execute certain magic. However, there was a limit to the number of varying magics that could be enchanted. At most, only two types of different magic could be enchanted. Moreover, it was impossible to remove the engraving after enchanting.

The Eastern Empire utilized this principle to create magic stone-powered weapons that could be used by everyone, resulting in obsolescence of Gadra's Magic Division.


Slotted Weapons

Slotted Weapons

A new way of enhancing equipment invented by Kurobe and Kaijin, based on Rimuru's idea. By punching holes into equipment, Blade Cores刀の核ブレードコア, burēdo koa (magic marbles imbued with the power of Elementals) can be inserted into these slots, granting the equipment magic properties.

Inserting Blade Cores in different combinations can yield vastly different and unexpected results. For example, inserting a Water Elemental core next to a fire Elemental one reduces power, but having one Water Elemental core paired with two Fire Elemental cores increases power tenfold.


Equipment can be classified based on its quality and Existence value into the following grades: Normal一般級ノーマル, nōmaru, Special特上級スペシャル, supesharu, Rare希少級レア, rea, Unique特質級ユニーク, yunīku, Legend伝説級レジェンド, rejendo, and God神話級ゴッズ, gozzu.

Notable Materials[]

There are some notable materials used in series to craft equipment with higher quality.

Monster Parts[]

Body parts and substances from monsters could be used to create high quality equipment. For example, Youm's armor is created out of Knight spider's exoskeleton, and scales from Charybdis can be used to create armors and weapons with powerful magical properties.


Magisteel魔鋼, makō is metal refined from Magic ore. It is highly heat resistant, durable, and excellent in conducting magic, hence very suitable for producing high quality equipment. However, it is also very expensive due to its scarcity, costing more than 20 times as much as gold of the same weight.


Mithril魔銀ミスリル, misuriru is an alloy created by combining magisteel with silver. Weapons made of mithril are particularly effective against undead monsters. Known equipment made of mithril includes armor gifted to Jinrai by Rimuru and Minos Bardiche found in the dungeon.


Orichalcum神輝金鋼オリハルコン, oriharukon is a gold-colored alloy created by combining magisteel with gold. It is superior to magisteel in all aspects, including thermal properties, toughness and magical properties.


Adamantite生体魔鋼アダマンタイト, adamantaito is a sort of bio magi-steel on the level of orichalcum that is quite literally alive and bonds to its user.


Dragotite竜気魔鋼ドラゴタイト, doragotaito is adamantite that has been mutated by a True Dragon's Aura. It shares all the properties of Adamantite but is considerably stronger.


Hihi'irokane究極の金属ヒヒイロカネ, hihīrokane is formed after exposing magisteel to concentrated magicules for thousands of years (or special conditions like Rimuru's Stomach), this is the material spoken of only in fairytales and myth.

Equipment made of Hihi'irokane, only responds to mana from the owner it recognizes and will block out all wavelengths, even attempts to analyze it will utterly fail. Anything made of this legendary metal can be expected to be top of the line Legend-grade goods bordering on, if not in, God-grade.



Holy Weapon[]

Holy Weapons聖属武器ホーリーウェポン, hōrī wepon are weapons enchanted with Holy magic.

Magic Weapon[]

Magic Weapons魔法武器マジックウェポン, majikku wepon are weapons enchanted with Aspectual magic.



