Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Wiki
Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Wiki

Elemental souls聖霊, seirei are a type of spiritual life-forms considered the superior versions of elementals, with 8 different types existing.[1]


The ability to rewrite the laws of the world — soul magic霊魔法, rei mahō — is ingrained into the souls of elemental souls.[2] The type of laws that they can manipulate and the degree to which they can manipulate varies from person to person, being classified by element and grade respectively. Depending on factors such as elemental weaknesses and the willpower of the user, it is possible for their elemental abilities to overcome ultimate skill users.[3]


There are three currently known grades of elemental souls. They are as follows: medium中位, chūi, greater上位, jōi, and supreme最上位, saijōi.

Additionally, the classification may vary depending on the alignment of the individual, the variants being holy spirits聖霊, seirei, demonic spirits魔霊, marei, and chaos spirits聖魔霊, seimarei.


Along with grade and alignment, elemental souls are mainly distinguished by their element, which is the laws engraved onto their soul, varying in nature and strength depending on the individual and their grade.

Elemental souls usually possess control over laws belonging to the 8 elements, but there are some rare exceptions.

Known elements[]

Eight main elements[]

  • Darknessあん, an
  • Earth, chi
  • Fire, hi
    • Flameえん, en
  • Lightこう,
  • Spaceくう,
  • Time, toki
  • Waterすい, sui
  • Windふう,

Other elements[]

  • Battleとう,
  • Fantasyげん, gen

Great Holy Spirits[]

The Great Holy Spirits大聖霊, dai seirei are, alongside the True Dragons, the oldest elemental souls in existence. They represent the most pure form of the eight elements and their energy has saturated existence, resulting in the birth of elementals, a degraded form of elemental souls.[4]

Known elemental souls[]

  • Anime only:
  • Deceased:
  • Former:
  • Non-canon:
  • Spin-off:
  • Unknown:
  • Anime only:
  • Deceased:
  • Former:
  • Non-canon:
  • Spin-off:
  • Unknown:


