Elemental magic 「精霊魔法, seirei mahō」 is a type of magic that uses the power of elementals.
Elemental magic is a form of elementals' natural energy in their respective element. This phenomenon fully obeys the laws of physics, unlike regular magic, which allows elemental magic to be cast under an Anti-magic Area or even a Holy Field.
It is possible for other beings to use elemental magic by borrowing the power of elementals, by using a certain amount of the user's mana or magicules as a catalyst. Elemental magic requires no chants and anyone can use it as long as they are connected with their contracted elementals. However, it is necessary to be liked by elementals in order to be recognized and form a contract. Higher level users can even summon their contracted elementals and utilize their power directly, by ordering them to attack or fusing with the summoner.
Main types[]
Darkness elemental magic[]
Darkness elemental magic is the magic used by darkness elementals.
- Darkness Cannon 「暗界重闇爆, dākunesu kanon」
- Tetanus Darkness 「病闇烈風, tētanesu dākunesu」
Earth elemental magic[]
Earth elemental magic is the magic used by earth and land elementals.
Flame elemental magic[]
Flame elemental magic 「炎の精霊魔法, honō no seirei mahō」[1] is the magic used by fire and flame elementals.
- Flame Breath 「炎の吐息, fureimu buresu」
- Inferno Flame 「極炎獄霊覇, inferuno fureimu」
Light elemental magic[]
Light elemental magic is the magic used by light elementals.
- Solar Rain 「ソーラーレイン, sōrā rein」
Space elemental magic[]
Space elemental magic is the magic used by space elementals.
Time elemental magic[]
Time elemental magic is the magic used by time elementals.
Water elemental magic[]
Water elemental magic is the magic used by water elementals.
Wind elemental magic[]
Wind elemental magic is the magic used by wind elementals.
- Aerial Blade 「大気圧縮断裂, eariaru burēdo」
- Thornbind 「蔓棘束縛, sōnbaindo」: Envelops the target in vines that restrict their movements. Thorns can be grown from the vines to wound the target.
Necromancy 「死霊魔法, shirei mahō, lit. "Death spirit magic"」 is a type of elemental magic that uses negative grudges 「負の怨念, fu no on'nen」 such as evil spirits 「悪霊, akuryō」 and wraiths 「亡霊, bōrei」. Unlike other types of elemental magic, necromancy is weak against holy magic that purifies the negative grudges.
- Birthday 「妖死冥産, bāsudi」
- Curse Bind 「呪怨束縛, kāsu baindo」: A spell that summons the dead. They cling to the living and suck their vitality whether they are human or majin.
- Immortal Legion 「不死者軍団創造, imōtaru region」
- Raise Dead 「死霊蘇生, reizu deddo」
- Zombie Breath 「腐食吐息, zonbi buresu」
Miscellaneous & unknown[]
- Divination 「占い, uranai」
- Elemental Communication 「精霊交信, seirei kōshin」
- Secret of Faith and Grace 「信仰と恩寵の秘奥, shinkō to onchō no hiō」
Related arts[]
- Aether Break 「五色精霊剣, ēteru bureiku」
- ↑ That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime light novel — Volume 8, Chapter 2