Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Wiki
Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Wiki

Deathmen妖死族デスマン, desuman, lit. "Mystic-Dead Tribe"」 are a race of undead majin. Their bodies are composed of the power and flesh of thousands of corpses created through the forbidden magic Birthday and are Demon Lord-level monsters.


Deathmen, as high-level beings, possess an appearance based on their own self-image. This results in an appearance that is identical to that of the individual's previous life or otherwise desired form. They sometimes possess a more monstrous second form influenced by their body's essence as an Undead, resulting in a strange zombie-like appearance.


As undead, they have no apparent ego, however, using a special ritual, it is possible to awaken the strongest ego (or egos, if there's multiple egos of similar strength) remaining from the owners of the corpses used to create the body. If multiple egos share a body, one ego will become more dominant than the rest or, in rarer cases, multiple strong egos form a new dominant ego.



Intrinsic skills[]

Known Deathmen[]

  • Anime only:
  • Deceased:
  • Former:
  • Non-canon:
  • Spin-off:
  • Unknown:


  • They are different from most undead, in that they possess full flesh and are equipped with biological functions, the extent of which is still yet to be known. However, it is likely that deathmen cannot reproduce, given their low population and that they can only be created through the "Birthday" spell.
  • Clayman can transform into his "Crazy Pierrot" form, which is more combat oriented. Given Clayman's weakness compared to other deathmen, which is the result of him having been created specifically for the supportive role of a strategist and leader, this form may have been given to him exclusively for self-defense and offense, should the need for him to fight directly ever arise. It is unknown if others also possess a similar transformation.

