Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Wiki
Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Wiki

Clerics of the Seven Luminaries七曜の老師, shichiyō no rōshi or Seven Luminaries七曜, shichiyō for short, were the highest consultants of the Western Holy Church.


Each one of them had strength surpassing the average Enlightened. They were legendary figures who had even trained Chosen heroes in the past. They completely masked their presence from the public eye and became legends that were only said to live in fairy tales.

There is only a small group of people who have actually witnessed them, even among the Western Holy Church, only a few high-ranking officials have had the opportunity to meet them.

The "Trials of Seven Luminaries" that Hinata once went through were created by them. It was a trial used to select Heroes and Chosen heroes.

They were responsible for overseeing different organizations and training new knights. All of these assignments were given by Luminous. And before Hinata came into her position, the Crusaders was an organization with only their name but nothing to back it up, due to them secretly sabotaging potential talents.

The Seven Luminaries were actually strong Humans who had received Luminous' blessing and were given a long lifespan in exchange for their services.

Because they feared that the Cardinal Adalmann and Paladin Albert would surpass them, they sent them to their death to face a Dragon Zombie.

They also tried to pit Hinata Sakaguchi against Demon Lord Rimuru under orders from their leader Granbell as they were afraid of losing Luminous' favor. During the meeting between Hinata and the Ten Great Saints, they provided her with a powerful sword called Dragon Buster (a trap that they have rigged) to help her take down Rimuru after she received a message from him challenging her, which was actually forged by them. They also manipulated one of the Ten Great Saints, Leonard Jester, into attacking Tempest, with Ars impersonating Garde, another one of the Ten Great Saints, after killing the real Garde. After Rimuru and Hinata's fight ended in a draw, the Dragon Buster then unleashed a deadly attack that greatly wounded Hinata. The Luminaries then arrived to deal with Rimuru, Hinata, and their subordinates, but their attempts to eliminate them were unsuccessful thanks to Rimuru's powerful defense abilities.

They met their end when they were killed by Nikolaus, Diablo, and Luminous herself, after their plot to eradicate both Hinata and Rimuru was exposed, though their leader survived.




Holy magic[]
  • Miracle Level
    • Disintegration霊子崩壊ディスインテグレーション, disuintegurēshon
      • Trinity Disintegration三重霊子崩壊トリニティディスインテグレーション, toriniti disuintegurēshon
    • Trinity Break聖三位霊崩陣トリニティブレイク, toriniti bureiku
Aspectual magic[]


  • Divine Arts神術, shinjutsu: Used by Gran.
  • Flame Arts炎術, enjutsu: Used by Ars.
  • Illusion Arts幻術, genjutsu: Used by Dina.
  • Poison Arts毒術, dokujutsu: Used by Meris.
  • Protection Arts守術, shūjutsu: Used by Zaus.
  • Talisman Arts符術, fujutsu: Used by Vina.
  • Thunder Arts雷術, raijutsu: Used by Salun.


  • Anime only:
  • Deceased:
  • Former:
  • Non-canon:
  • Spin-off:
  • Unknown:


  • The Clerics of the Seven Luminaries are one of the most significantly changed group of characters between the Web Novel and Light Novel. In the Web Novel, they are a group of Vampire Nobles serving Luminous loyally and didn't contribute much to the story, unlike the evil masterminds depicted in the Light Novel.