Class 「職業, kurasu, lit. "Job"」 is a system of terminology created to identify or distinguish specific skill-sets used by individuals in combat. It's primarily used by Free Guild Adventurers, but also sees some use by various militaries.
A Magic User or Mage 「魔法使い, mahōtsukai」 refers to any individual that utilizes any form of Magic. Depending on the type of magic used–as well as other factors such as their proficiency–Mages are referred to by several different sub-classes.
- Elementaler
- Elementalers 「精霊使役者, erementarā」 or Elementalists are mages that combo Elemental magic and Summoning magic to summon contracted Elementals. Examples for Elementalers are Shizu and Litus.
- Enchanter
- Enchanters 「符術師, enchantā」 are mages that utilize Engraving magic to apply magical properties to items.
- Magician
- Magicians 「魔術師, majishan」 are mages who are proficient with at least two different types of magic.
- Maya
- Maya 「妖術師, māyā」 are mages that utilize Illusion magic. Examples for Maya are Shuna and Jagi.
- Necromancer
- Necromancers 「死霊術師, nekuromansā」 are mages that utilize Necromancy. Examples for Necromancers are Adalmann and Kagali.
- Priest
- Priests 「神霊術師, purīsuto」 are mages who who utilize Holy magic, especially ones that fill a support role such as that of a healer, rather than that of a direct combatant. Examples of Priests include Reyhiem and Nikolaus.
- Saint Wizard
- Saint Wizards 「聖魔導師, sento wizādo」 are mages who have mastered Holy magic in addition to two or more other families of magic. Some examples of a Saint Wizard include Hinata Sakaguchi and Leonard Jester.
- Shaman
- Shamans 「呪術師, shāman」 are mages that utilize Elemental magic to form connections with Elementals. Examples of Shamans include Class S and the citizens of the Republic of Ulgracia.
- Sorcerer
- Sorcerers 「法術師, sōsarā」 are mages that utilize Aspectual magic. Examples of Sorcerers include Ellen and Rommel.
- Summoner
- Summoners 「召喚術師, samonā」 are mages that utilize Summoning magic. An example of a Summoner is Thegis.
- Wizard
- Wizards 「魔導師, wizādo」 are mages who have mastered three or more different types of magic. Examples of Wizards include Jaine, Mjurran, and Razen.
- Witch
- Examples of Witch include Mjurran and Witch Village.
Martial Classes–usually referred to as Combatants 「戦士, senshi, lit. "Warrior"」 but called Combatants 「戦士, faitā」 on at least one occasion–are individuals who utilize various forms of weaponry and martial arts in combat.
- Assassin
- Assassins 「暗殺者, asashin, lit. "Assassin"」 are individuals who make use of stealth and deception to gain an advantageous position over their opponent, usually finishing them off with a single attack. Examples of Assassins include Arios and Souei.[1]
- Berserker
- Berserkers 「凶戦士, bāsākā, lit. "Dangerous Warrior"」 are a class that abandon taking defensive maneuvers and go completely on the offense. They're usually powerhouses that can take hits as good as they can dish them out, being tanks of sorts. Examples of Berserkers include Grigori and Ryota.[1]
- Fighter
- Fighters 「重戦士, faitā, lit. "Heavy Warrior"」 are all-rounders capable of using a wide variety of weapons and attacks depending on the situation. Examples of Fighters include Granbell and Raymond.[1]
- Hunter
- Hunters 「狩猟家, hantā, Yenpress: "Huntmaster"」 are an extremely rare class and are said to be the absolute best of the best when it comes to hunting monsters. They're experts at using the bow, making use of advanced Formhide and a mastered Danger Detection skill to catch monsters off-guard. Becoming a Hunter requires not only talent, but years of specialized training, with most Hunters coming from special families and clans that train them from childhood. An example of a Hunter is Shin.[2]
- Thief
- Thieves 「盗賊, shīfu」
- Warrior
- Warriors 「戦闘士, wōria, lit. "Battle Militant"」 are an advanced martial class that requires mastery over a Martial Art as well as mastery in using a weapon of their choice. The weapon can be whatever the person in question prefers, whether it's a melee weapon like a sword or a spear or a ranged weapon like a bow or sling.[2]
- Holy Knight
- Holy Knights 「聖騎士, hōrī naito」, while primarily referring to the elite church forces of the same name, can also refer to an individual who uses a combination of Holy magic and Weaponry, including Holy Weapons.
- Magic Knight
- Magic Knights 「魔法戦士, majikku naito」 are an elite class that utilize a combination of Magic and Weaponry, achieved through Magic Weapons or Magic Aura.
- Attacker
- Attackers 「魔法職, atakkā」
- Beast Knight
- Beast Knights 「獣魔戦士, za bīsuto, Yenpress: "Beast Warriors"」 are individuals that used The Beast and transformed without side-effects, but don't have perfect compatibility with it.
- Chimera Knight
- Chimera Knights 「魔獣騎士, kimaira naito」 are individuals who have perfect compatibility with The Beast and suffer no long term negative side-effects from its usage. They're fearsome combatants that have a power similar to that of a Lycanthrope. Examples of Chimera Knights include Baraga and Gozaline.
- Dragon Warrior
- Dragon Warriors 「竜化戦士, doragon wōria」 are users of Dragon Body. Examples of Dragon Warriors include Gabiru and the Hiryuu.
- Golem Master
- Golem Masters 「人形使役者, gōremu masutā」 are a rare and powerful class that make use of remotely controlled Golems and Weaponry, attacking their target from various angles and directions simultaneously. An example of a Golem Master is Alice.
- Healer
- Healers 「回復職, hīrā」
- Tamer
- Tamers 「調教師, teimā」 are individuals that tame and train animals and Monsters to fight.
- Terror Knight
- Terror Knights 「恐怖騎士, terā naito」 refers to the subordinates of a user of the Extra skill Mortal Fear that are under its effect. Examples of Terror Knights include Dagura, Liura, and Debura.