Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Wiki
Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Wiki
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Chosen heroes勇者, yūsha, lit. "brave ones"」 are the counterparts to demon lords, an existence that only those who have the blessing of an elemental of either light or darkness can obtain.[1]

As is the case with demon lords, chosen heroes can be divided into those who are known as chosen heroes in "name" only or those who are chosen heroes as a "class."

Chosen heroes as a class[]

Chosen hero eggs[]

Chosen hero egg勇者の卵, yūsha no tamago refers to those who obtain the blessing of an elemental of light or darkness as well as the Elemental Queen if the receiver is deemed worthy by both. The chosen hero egg is the equivalent of the demon lord seed.


Elementals of light and darkness, together with the Elemental Queen, have the ability to bless certain individuals they deem worthy of becoming chosen heroes. In this case the respective elemental resides inside the body of the individual as a chosen hero egg and, if the individual has proven themselves, will later merge with the then awakened true chosen hero. The power granted to an individual upon becoming a Chosen Hero is immense, so much so that it isn't uncommon for true chosen heroes to possess divinity, making those that do super-high level existences with increased odds of awakening an ultimate skill in their near future. It is also possible for the individual's equipment to increase in quality by leaps and bounds, potentially raising it to god-grade or near god-grade.

True chosen heroes[]

True chosen heroes真なる勇者, shin'naru yūsha are those who hatched the chosen hero egg by merging with their elemental and becoming awakened. True chosen heroes are the equivalent of a true demon lord. They are beings of monstrous power, some of them even have the potential to stand on even footing with True Dragons.

Former chosen heroes[]

Former chosen heroes元勇者, moto yūsha are individuals who have lost their classification as a chosen hero. They can lose their title when their elemental leaves them, which will happen if it deems them unworthy of still being a chosen hero, or the elemental is removed by external factors. Former chosen heroes will lose the strength granted to them by their elemental, however as awakened beings they are still very powerful. It is seemingly possible for former chosen heroes to restore their status if they regain their blessing.

Known chosen heroes[]

  • Anime only:
  • Deceased:
  • Former:
  • Non-canon:
  • Spin-off:
  • Unknown:

Chosen heroes in name[]

Anyone can proclaim themselves a chosen hero, or be recognized by the masses as a chosen hero. In either case this "puts fate into motion" and causes this chosen hero in name only to eventually have some sort of predestined connection with a demon lord that is unavoidable, though it does not necessarily have to be a hostile relationship.


  • Chloe Aubert is the only chosen hero who ever obtained and hatched two chosen hero eggs because of her incredible circumstances.
  • In the English translations, "chosen hero" is often mixed up with "hero" because both terms are usually translated to "hero." To prevent confusion, some translations instead began referring to "hero" as "champion."


