Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Wiki
Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Wiki

Basilisksバジリスク, bajirisuku are a sub-species of lesser dragons.

One individual was defeated by Kaval and another was defeated by Gob'emon with the assistance of Gard Mjöllmile's bodyguards.


Basilisks have an appearance that is best described as a mix between a bird and a dragon. They are around the size of a horse with a dark-feathered body and raptor-like claws. They have two large feathered wings on their back and their long tail forms into the head of a vicious snake.


As lesser dragons, fully mature basilisks usually rank around a B+ by the Free Guild's ranking system. Though they have wings, they don't seem to make use of aerial mobility much at all in combat, instead moving at high speeds on the ground and attacking with their powerful beaks.

Their strongest attack is their petrifying gas石化ガス, sekka gasu that is fired out from the snake-head on the end of their tail. Anything that comes into contact with the gas will have the affected area turned into stone, which will then start spreading to the rest of the body.

