Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Wiki
Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Wiki

Attack of the Demon Lord魔王来襲, maō raishū is the third light novel volume of the That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime series.


After a furious battle with the orc lord, peace has once again returned to the Forest of Jura. Rimuru may be heading up the Great Forest of Jura Alliance, but he's most worried about finishing his town…until a visit from King Gazel Dwargo of the dwarves turns everything upside down! Not only that, but Rimuru is about to have a run-in with Milim Nava, an exceptionally dangerous demon lord known as the "Destroyer." What's a slime to do?![1]


  • Prologue: The Demon Lord Summit魔王会談, maō kaidan
  • Chapter 1: The Country's Name国の名前, kuni no namae
  • Chapter 2: Attack of the Demon Lord魔王来襲, maō raishū
  • Chapter 3: The Congregation集う者達, tsudō monotachi
  • Chapter 4: Creeping Malice忍び寄る悪意, shinobiyoru akui
  • Chapter 5: Charybdis暴風大妖渦カリュブディス, karyubudisu
  • Epilogue: A New Conspiracy新たなる策謀, aratanaru sakubō


This volume was adapted into the following material:






Extra pages[]




Nice to see you all for the first time in a while. This is Fuse.
First off, thanks to all of you for picking up this book. I think I mentioned that in Volume 1, but if you didn't pick it up, we never would've gotten started with this, so I'm sure I can write that as many times as I feel like!
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime has reached its third volume on sale. It's all thanks to your support, so really, thanks a bunch, and I hope you'll continue supporting me.
With those pleasantries out of the way, I thought I'd talk a little bit about the content of this volume. There are some spoilers in here, so it might be better to save this afterword for after you read the rest of the book. That's doubly true if you haven't read the web novel version yet!


I warned you above, so let's get to the main meat of this.
The concept of this volume was pretty simple: the demon lord Milim! From the cover to the concept, we decided to have Milim be the main thrust of this volume.
A lot of different people and motivations were involved in this. The first time I recall it coming up was when my editor showed me some ever-so-slightly risqué illustrations. I liked them, I thought it could work, and so we went with that "cute/erotic" concept with Milim. (She was portrayed as more of a goth-Lolita in the web novel, but that's changed a lot in this published version, something you can see right on the cover.)
When I first saw that illustration, I actually said, "Hey, can we maybe make this a little more provocative?”
"Sure," my editor said, "I'll discuss it a bit with Mitz Vah."
But—and this is a true story—when I saw the rough for the final cover of Volume 3, it wasn't exactly a "little more" provocative, huh?
"Um, her bottom's mostly just string now, but is that all right?"
"No problem!"
Nice to have an editor I could rely on. In that case, I had no objection.
So that was how we figured out Milim's look. Which makes it sound easy, but there was a lot involved to it. The designs for the characters that I didn't give any special instructions for (Frey in particular) were settled on a lot more easily, so we really devoted a lot of energy working out Milim among ourselves.
That's the kind of passion that me, my editor, and Mitz Vah brought into creating her. It's not like we were driven by sexy art or anything, so don't get the wrong idea.

Actually reading the book, you'll see how it worked out, but unlike the cover and illustrations, the text is quite serious. Well, I'm not sure if I could fully call it "serious," but either way, it is not sexy at all.
Disappointed? Well, I am a little, too. I added a lot of new writing to the web version—three-quarters of this novel is new material—and as a result, there's a new chapter that's not on the web at all, "The Demon Lord Attacks."
Dividing the content of the web version's third chapter into two sections was something my editor and I decided on after talking it over, although it was mostly just me being selfish, I think. I had a personal desire to take a few episodes that I kind of glossed over on the web and cover them in more depth. After several discussions, we ultimately decided to place the spotlight on Milim in this volume, and that's what let me exercise my selfish desires to the hilt.
This volume features a lot of development—a bigger town, negotiations with the Dwarven Kingdom, and so on—a lot of intrigue from foreign nations, and quite a few new characters. If you were able to grasp and accept the actions and motivations of each character, then I'll call this volume a success.
There's also a magic-born or two who got edited out entirely to make the going easier for those who haven't read the web novel. I think you'll be seeing them in future volumes, but I'm afraid I can't give guarantees quite yet. Whether you're new to this or read it on the web, I'm working hard to edit the content so it's engaging to both audiences. The main thread of the story will remain on the web, but I plan to continue to change the little details here and there, so watch out!


Now, some news.
You might already be aware of this, especially if you saw the notice on the Japanese version's obi cover, but That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime is getting a manga adaptation! It's set to launch next spring, in the pages of Kodansha's Monthly Shonen Sirius magazine.
Taiki Kawakami is handling the manga version. He draws some wonderfully cute visuals, and Rimuru and the rest of the gang are showing off a different—and lovely—sort of charm you don't see in the novels. I'm really looking forward to it, and I can't wait to see all the characters strut their stuff outside the novel format.
Though, to be honest with you, I'm already looking at the rough comic layouts! Seriously, I couldn't be more blessed.
Some of you may wonder why this kind of offer came along. I'm not entirely sure why myself. I guess fate is a lot more important than I thought, huh? I think I'll get to talk about this more later, but that's all for now.

Thanks again to all of you! Keep on supporting That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime!



  1. Yen Press synopsis, roughly edited

